The Harvester Lyrics Brandon Heath

The Harvester by Brandon Heath

Up with the dawn and the rooster crow
Been that way since I don't know
Throw a little water on my face
Get out the door and greet the day

Put my knees down on the ground
Sing to the Lord in a weary sound
Ask Him for the strength I need
Break my heart like a weed

For all that we've grown
How could we forget
Those who don't know
Or just don't know yet
Let's harvest this field
From sunrise to sunset
The Master is coming
We are not done yet

We are not done yet

Bring out the sickle
Bring out the pail
Bushel full of wire
And a fork to the bale
Work through the pain in the rain or shine
C'mon y'all we still got time
We still got time

For all that we've grown
How could we forget
Those who don't know
Or just don't know yet
Let's harvest this field
From sunrise to sunset
The Master is coming
We are not done yet

We are not done yet

The turning of the season
Is upon us, my friends
Now's the time
All that was sown
Is there for the reaping

For all that we've grown
How could we forget
Those who don't know
Or just don't know yet
Let's harvest this field
From sunrise to sunset
The Master is coming
We are not done yet

We are not done yet

The Harvester Video

The Harvester Info

"The Harvester" is a powerful and uplifting song by Christian artist Brandon Heath. Released as part of his album "Blue Mountain," this song is a call to action for believers to go out into the world and share the love and message of Jesus Christ.

The song starts off with a description of a diligent and dedicated farmer who wakes up early, ready to work the land. This imagery sets the tone for the song, as it compares the labor of the farmer to the work that Christians are called to do in spreading the Gospel. Just as the farmer puts in hard work and effort to bring in a harvest, so too are we called to put in the effort to bring in a spiritual harvest.

The lyrics of the song remind us of our responsibility to share the good news of Jesus with those who don't know Him or have not yet accepted Him. It calls us to be the hands and feet of Jesus, working diligently to bring people into a saving relationship with Him. The song emphasizes that there is still time, that we are not done yet, and that we need to continue laboring until the Master returns.

One scripture verse that relates to the theme of the song is Matthew 9:37-38, where Jesus says, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." This verse reminds us that there are many people in the world who are in need of the saving grace of Jesus Christ, but there are not enough workers to go and share the message with them. "The Harvester" serves as a reminder and a call to action for believers to be those workers, to go out into the world and bring in the spiritual harvest.

Another verse that comes to mind is John 4:35, where Jesus says, "Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." This verse highlights the urgency of the task at hand. We must not delay or put off sharing the Gospel, but instead open our eyes to the opportunities around us and recognize that the time to act is now.

"The Harvester" is a song that inspires and motivates believers to live out their faith and actively share the message of Jesus Christ. It reminds us that we have a responsibility to be a light in the darkness, to work diligently in bringing in a spiritual harvest. Through its powerful lyrics and catchy melody, it encourages us to be bold and intentional in our witness, knowing that the Master is coming and we are not done yet.

In conclusion, "The Harvester" by Brandon Heath is a song that serves as a call to action for believers to actively share the love and message of Jesus Christ. It draws inspiration from scripture verses such as Matthew 9:37-38 and John 4:35, reminding us of the urgency and importance of the task at hand. Through its powerful lyrics and uplifting melody, the song motivates and encourages believers to be diligent workers in the spiritual harvest, knowing that the Master is coming and we still have work to do.
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