Simple Man Lyrics Brandon Heath

Simple Man by Brandon Heath

Keep on keepin' on believin'
You've never given me a reason to drop my faith
And I won't leave you
Just for the sake of leavin'
'Cause I got every reason to stay

It's a good little time to settle down my world
But you took a hold of me
And then I told you
I promise to stand for you
But you gotta tell me, what's it gonna be?
Yeah yeah

I'm just a simple man
A little part of a bigger plan
Everything that gives me worth, God, it's you, you
So take the rest of me
'Cause you got the best of me
Everything good in me comes from you
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah

God, all of me hides in you
Oh God, my home is your hands
Within me, into the world, you send me
Now I gotta tell the truth to everyone that I can
Yeah yeah

I'm just a simple man (Simple man)
A little part of a bigger plan
Everything that gives me worth, God, it's you, you, you
So take the rest of me
'Cause you got the best of me
Everything good in me comes from you
I'm just a simple man (Simple man)
A little part of a bigger plan
Everything that gives me worth, God, it's you, you, you
So take the rest of me
'Cause you got the best of me
Everything good in me comes from you

I said everything that gives me worth, God, it's you
Oh, keep on keepin' on believin'

Simple Man Video

Simple Man Info

"Simple Man" by Brandon Heath is a heartfelt song that speaks to the core of our faith and reminds us of our humble position before God. With its powerful lyrics and beautiful melody, this song has resonated with many listeners and has become a favorite in the Christian music genre.

The song starts off by acknowledging the faithfulness of God in our lives. It recognizes that God has never given us a reason to doubt or lose our faith. This is a powerful reminder that no matter what challenges or trials we face, God is always there, never leaving our side. It is in this unwavering faith that we find our strength and hope.

One of the key themes in "Simple Man" is the idea of surrendering ourselves fully to God. Brandon Heath sings, "I promise to stand for you, but you gotta tell me, what's it gonna be?" This line captures the essence of surrendering our lives to God's will and asking Him to guide our steps. It highlights the importance of seeking God's direction in every aspect of our lives and being willing to let go of our own desires and plans.

The song also emphasizes our dependence on God and how everything good in us comes from Him. It acknowledges that we are imperfect beings, but it is through God's grace and love that we find our worth and purpose. The lyrics state, "Everything that gives me worth, God, it's you, you, you. So take the rest of me 'cause you got the best of me." This powerful declaration reminds us that our identity and value are found in God alone. It encourages us to offer ourselves fully to Him, knowing that He is the source of all that is good within us.

As we delve deeper into the meaning of "Simple Man," we can draw connections to various scripture verses. One verse that resonates with the themes of surrender and dependence on God is Proverbs 3:5-6, which says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." This verse echoes the sentiment of the song, urging us to trust in God's plan and submit our lives to Him.

Another relevant scripture verse is Psalm 139:23-24, which says, "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." This verse reflects the desire to surrender ourselves fully to God and allow Him to transform us. It echoes the sentiment of the song, as we invite God to search our hearts, reveal any areas of weakness or sin, and guide us in His ways.

In conclusion, "Simple Man" by Brandon Heath is a beautiful and introspective song that speaks to the core of our faith. It reminds us of the faithfulness of God, the importance of surrendering ourselves fully to Him, and the truth that everything good in us comes from Him. Through its powerful lyrics and captivating melody, this song invites us to reflect on our relationship with God and recommit ourselves to living a life of surrender and dependence on Him.
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