Paul Brown Petty Lyrics Brandon Heath

Paul Brown Petty by Brandon Heath

Paul Brown Petty was a good ol’ man
You felt a little better when he shook your hand
Let me tell you a little ‘bout him and you’ll understand
Why Paul Brown Petty was a good ol’ man

He grew up in the depression and he fought in the war
He never talked too much about the other shore
But he was real good-looking in his uniform
Officer Petty in ‘44

And you might say, hey, what’s so great
Sounds like a simple man
He wasn’t rich or famous but
To me, he sure was grand

He married a girl from down the street
Built her a house down by a creek
One girl, two boys, five mouths to feed
Paul Brown Petty built a family

He opened a shop down on the square
He’d set you on up in his barber chair
Get a summertime buzz or a real close shave
Get you all cleaned up, send you on your way

He was a Cumberland Presbyterian
He went up to meet his Maker in ‘91
Sometimes when I talk about him, I get sad
You see, Paul Brown Petty was my granddad

His courage runs down in my blood
His kindness in my eyes
If you can see a man in me
He’s the reason why

Paul Brown Petty was a good ol’ man
You felt a little better when he shook your hand
And if you could’ve known him, you’d understand
Why Paul Brown Petty was a good ol’ man

Paul Brown Petty Video

Paul Brown Petty Info

"Paul Brown Petty" by Brandon Heath is a heartfelt song that pays tribute to a man who may not have been rich or famous, but left a lasting impact on those around him. The song tells the story of Paul Brown Petty, a simple man who grew up during the depression and fought in the war. Despite his humble background, he was a good-hearted and genuine person, someone you felt better after shaking his hand.

The inspiration behind the song comes from Brandon Heath's own personal connection to Paul Brown Petty, who was his grandfather. Through the lyrics, we get a glimpse into the life of this remarkable man who built a family, opened a barbershop, and lived out his faith as a Cumberland Presbyterian. Paul Brown Petty may not have achieved great things in the eyes of the world, but to his grandson, he was a hero.

One scripture verse that comes to mind when listening to this song is Matthew 23:11-12, which says, "The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." Paul Brown Petty exemplified this verse in his everyday life. He wasn't concerned with fame or fortune; he simply served others with kindness and love. And in doing so, he left a lasting impact on everyone he encountered.

Another verse that relates to the theme of the song is Proverbs 22:1, which says, "A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold." Paul Brown Petty may not have had great riches, but he had something far more valuable - a good name and a reputation for being a good man. In a world that often values material possessions and success, this song reminds us of the true worth of a person's character.

The lyrics of "Paul Brown Petty" paint a vivid picture of a man who was hardworking, kind-hearted, and deeply loved by his family and community. The song beautifully captures the essence of what it means to live a life of significance and impact, even in the simplest of ways. Paul Brown Petty may have passed away in 1991, but his legacy lives on through the memories and stories shared by his grandson, Brandon Heath.

In conclusion, "Paul Brown Petty" by Brandon Heath is a touching tribute to a man who left a lasting impact through his simple acts of kindness and love. The song reminds us that greatness is not measured by wealth or fame, but by the way we treat others and the legacy we leave behind. It serves as a beautiful reminder that even the most ordinary lives can have extraordinary impact. So let us strive to follow in the footsteps of Paul Brown Petty, and leave a legacy of love and kindness in our own lives.
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