Listen Up Lyrics Brandon Heath

Listen Up by Brandon Heath

Listen up, listen up (No talking)
Listen up, listen up (I'm listening now)
Listen up, listen up (No speaking)
Listen up, listen up

Why are you crying?
Did I say something wrong?
Weren't we just talking?
Tell me what's going on

'Cause I'm pretty sure my intentions
Were nothing more than conversation
Maybe you just needed someone
To listen to your heart

Maybe I spoke too soon
Maybe I said too much
Now that my face is blue
Think it's time I listen up
I've already said enough
Listen up, listen up
Listen up, listen up

Sometimes I do this
Thing is I'm so afraid
When it gets quiet
What you might have to say

'Cause I'm guilty of
I'm lost in my
Own translation
I apologize
I know I should listen to your heart

Maybe I spoke too soon
Maybe I said too much
Now that my face is blue
Think it's time I listen up
I've already said enough

There isn't anything that I could say
Not a word to get in the way of you, of you
I am listening

Maybe I spoke too soon
Maybe I said too much
Now that my face is blue
Think it's time I listen up
Maybe I spoke too soon
Maybe I said too much
Now that my face is blue
Think it's time I listen up
Think it's time I listen up
I've already said enough

Listen Up Video

Listen Up Info

"Listen Up" is a heartfelt song by Christian artist Brandon Heath that urges us to truly listen to others and be present in their lives. The song's lyrics speak to the importance of being attentive to those around us and offering a listening ear, even when we may feel compelled to speak or offer advice.

The song opens with the plea, "Listen up, listen up, no talking," emphasizing the need for silence in order to truly hear what someone is saying. In a world filled with noise and distractions, this line reminds us to quiet our own thoughts and be fully present in the moment. It's a reminder that sometimes the most powerful thing we can do is simply listen.

As the song continues, Brandon Heath questions why someone is upset, wondering if he said something wrong or missed something in their conversation. This shows his willingness to take responsibility and acknowledge that he may have unintentionally caused pain. It's a reminder that our words have power and can deeply affect others, even when we don't intend them to.

The chorus of the song reflects on the fear of silence and the tendency to overcompensate with too much talking. It acknowledges the need to apologize and make amends when we realize we have spoken too much or not listened enough. This vulnerability is a powerful reflection of humility and a willingness to learn and grow.

In terms of scripture, the theme of listening and being attentive to others is prevalent throughout the Bible. Proverbs 18:13 says, "To answer before listening—that is folly and shame." This verse speaks directly to the importance of listening before responding, reminding us that true understanding and empathy can only come when we fully hear what someone is saying.

James 1:19-20 also speaks to this theme, saying, "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires." These verses highlight the need for patience and humility in our interactions with others, emphasizing the importance of listening and understanding before reacting.

"Listen Up" is a powerful reminder of the impact our words and actions can have on those around us. It challenges us to be present in the lives of others, to truly listen and understand, and to offer support and empathy when needed. It's a call to set aside our own agendas and be fully present in the moment, offering our hearts and ears to those who need them.

In conclusion, "Listen Up" by Brandon Heath is a beautiful and introspective song that encourages us to be attentive listeners and offers a humble reminder of the power of our words. Through its heartfelt lyrics and relatable message, it challenges us to prioritize connection and empathy, reminding us to be present in the lives of others and to truly listen with open hearts.
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