Girl Of My Dreams Lyrics Brandon Heath

Girl Of My Dreams by Brandon Heath

I just saw the girl of my dreams
I wonder if she noticed me
I don't know her name yet but I know her friend
I'll ask if she's taken or if I could send her some flowers

I just met the girl of dreams
It's funny it turns out that she
Lives just down the street, we could go for a walk
Or sit on her porch drinking coffee and talking for hours

Falling in love is a beautiful thing
Like every morning's the first day of spring
God be must smiling down over me
I'm in love with the girl of my dreams

So I married the girl of my dreams
In a chapel in Tennessee
She looked like a princess in her wedding dress
I looked like a penguin and I must confess I was nervous

Now I live with girl of my dreams
It's different than I thought it’d be
She steals all my closets and tells me I snore
It's ice cream and Netflix and I love her more every minute
Brown hair, blueish-green eyes
She's southern as apple pie
In the summer (summer)
I love her

I'll grow old with the girl of my dreams
Holidays with our big family
Thousands of memories will hang on the wall
Heartaches and laughter, yeah, I'll take it all and be thankful (thankful)

Falling in love is a beautiful thing
You give up yourself but you gain everything
She's more than a lover, she's my best friend
I'll be her companion until the end
God must be up there smiling on me
‘Cause I'm walking on clouds and moonbeams
I'm in love with the girl of my dreams

Girl Of My Dreams Video

Girl Of My Dreams Info

"Girl Of My Dreams" is a heartfelt and romantic song by Christian singer-songwriter Brandon Heath. It tells the story of a man who falls in love with a girl he believes to be the girl of his dreams. The lyrics capture the excitement and hope that comes with meeting someone special and the joy of building a life together.

The song begins with the narrator describing his first encounter with the girl of his dreams. He wonders if she noticed him and expresses his desire to get to know her. This initial attraction and curiosity are relatable to anyone who has experienced the thrill of meeting someone who catches their eye.

As the song progresses, the narrator takes steps to pursue this girl. He mentions wanting to know if she is taken and even considering sending her flowers. This shows his determination and eagerness to explore the possibility of a relationship.

Throughout the song, the theme of falling in love is beautifully depicted. The lyrics compare the experience of falling in love to the first day of spring, symbolizing the freshness and renewal that love brings. This is reminiscent of the biblical verse in Song of Solomon 2:11-12, which describes the arrival of spring as a time of blossoming and new life. It reflects the idea that love can bring about a similar sense of growth and beauty in our lives.

The chorus of the song highlights the deep emotional connection the narrator feels towards the girl of his dreams. He expresses his gratitude for finding love and describes her as more than just a lover, but also his best friend. This sentiment echoes the biblical principle found in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, which emphasizes the importance of friendship and companionship in a relationship. The song portrays love as a partnership and a source of joy and support.

As the song progresses, the lyrics depict the progression of the relationship. The narrator marries the girl of his dreams and reflects on the journey they have embarked on together. He acknowledges that marriage is not always perfect, mentioning the small quirks and challenges that come with living with someone. However, he also emphasizes the love and joy that accompany these moments. This portrayal of love as a mixture of both highs and lows is reminiscent of the biblical verse in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, which describes love as patient, kind, and enduring through all circumstances.

The song concludes with the narrator looking towards the future and the life they will build together. He envisions growing old with the girl of his dreams and cherishing the memories they will create. This theme of commitment and lifelong love is reminiscent of the biblical verse in Genesis 2:24, which speaks of a man leaving his parents and cleaving to his wife, forming a bond that is meant to last a lifetime.

"Girl Of My Dreams" captures the essence of love and the beauty of finding someone who completes you. It tells a relatable story of falling in love, pursuing a relationship, and building a life together. The lyrics, combined with Brandon Heath's heartfelt vocals, make for a touching and inspiring song that celebrates the gift of love and companionship.
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