Blue Mountain Lyrics Brandon Heath

Blue Mountain by Brandon Heath

Cool fog in the morning
Like cotton on the trees
Quiet enough to hear a song
In the humming of the bees

Floating out from the highway
Saying, come on up my way
Through the tall grass in the valley
Where the earth and heaven meet

Won't you come on up to Blue Mountain?
Above the clouds and busy crowds
It's where you wanna be

Won't you come on up to Blue Mountain?
Where the time crawls and the water falls
Blue Mountain majesty

Send a postcard to your sweetheart
Take a picture by the sign
See all the way to seven states
And the coast see the weather's right

It's always right, it's paradise
It's like you've never seen
Take a nap under a hickory
And wake up in a dream

Won't you come on up to Blue Mountain?
Above the clouds and busy crowds
You swear you'll never leave

Won't you come on up to Blue Mountain?
Where the time crawls and the water falls
Blue Mountain majesty

Won't you come on up, umm
Won't you come on up
Won't you come on up to the Blue Mountain
Where the time crawls and the water falls
Blue Mountain majesty

Where the time crawls and the water falls
Blue Mountain majesty
Where the time crawls and the water falls
Blue Mountain majesty

Blue Mountain Video

Blue Mountain Info

"Blue Mountain" by Brandon Heath is a soul-stirring song that invites listeners to escape from the busyness of life and find solace in the beauty of nature. It paints a vivid picture of a serene mountain landscape, where time slows down and one can truly experience the majesty of God's creation.

The song opens with the imagery of cool fog in the morning, resembling cotton on the trees. This sets the tone for a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere. The lyrics describe the serenity of the place, where one can hear the humming of bees and the sound of waterfalls. It encourages the listener to come and experience the beauty and stillness of Blue Mountain.

In a world filled with noise and distractions, Blue Mountain serves as a metaphor for finding a place of rest and peace. It represents a retreat from the chaos of life, a place where one can escape the demands of the world and find solace in the presence of God. It's a reminder that sometimes we need to step away from the busyness and find a quiet place to reconnect with ourselves and with God.

The song's lyrics also evoke a sense of awe and wonder at the grandeur of God's creation. It encourages us to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature and to recognize the hand of God in every detail. As we gaze upon the tall grass in the valley and the clouds above, we are reminded of the vastness and greatness of our Creator.

One scripture verse that relates to the theme of the song is Psalm 46:10, which says, "Be still, and know that I am God." This verse echoes the message of the song, calling us to find stillness and rest in the presence of God. It reminds us that in the midst of our busy lives, we need to take the time to be still and acknowledge God's sovereignty.

Another verse that resonates with the song is Psalm 19:1, which declares, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." This verse captures the essence of Blue Mountain, where the beauty of God's creation is on full display. It reminds us that nature itself is a testament to the greatness and creativity of our Heavenly Father.

"Blue Mountain" is not just a song about escaping to a beautiful place, but it also serves as a reminder that God is present in every aspect of our lives. Whether we find ourselves on a mountaintop or in the midst of the daily grind, God is there, offering us peace and rest. The song invites us to seek refuge in Him, to find comfort and renewal in His presence.

In conclusion, "Blue Mountain" by Brandon Heath is a beautiful and inspiring song that encourages listeners to find solace in the midst of life's chaos. It reminds us of the importance of finding stillness and rest in God's presence, and it invites us to appreciate the beauty of His creation. Through its captivating lyrics and serene melody, the song leaves a lasting impression and serves as a gentle reminder to find our own Blue Mountain, a place where we can connect with God and experience His peace.
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