As Long As I'm Here Lyrics Brandon Heath

As Long As I'm Here by Brandon Heath

Some day I'll pass through the great sky above
And the first thing I'll ask is how well did I love
Did I leave the world any better than it was before?
Of all the things I've done, could I have done any more?

'Cause it took me a while just to find my feet
And to learn how to stand on my own
But You gave me the heart and the time I would need
To find You and make it back home where I belong

Some day I'll go to the great, wide beyond
Where Moses and Mary and Jacob and my loved ones have gone
But I will rejoice in today and the journey I'm on
And I'll keep on praying and pressing on until dawn

'Cause it took me a while just to find my feet
And to learn how to stand on my own
But You gave me the heart and the time I would need
To find You and make it back home where I belong

Only to see a glimpse of Your face
To peek in to Heaven, time and space
Oh, to feel my own frailty and tremble in fear
To know You are with me as long as I'm here
Oh, as long as I'm here

Some day I'll pass through the great sky above
And the first thing I'll ask is how well did I love

As Long As I'm Here Video

As Long As I'm Here Info

"As Long As I'm Here" by Brandon Heath is a song that captures the essence of living a purposeful life and leaving a positive impact on the world. It is a heartfelt ballad that reflects on the significance of our actions and the legacy we leave behind.

The song begins with the powerful lyrics, "Some day I'll pass through the great sky above, and the first thing I'll ask is how well did I love? Did I leave the world any better than it was before?" These words immediately grab your attention and force you to reflect on your own life. It challenges us to consider whether we are making a difference and if we are truly showing love to those around us.

The theme of the song is rooted in the biblical principle of loving others. In Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus says, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’" Brandon Heath's song echoes this message, reminding us that our ultimate purpose is to love and serve others.

The lyrics continue, "Of all the things I've done, could I have done any more?" This line speaks to the idea of going above and beyond what is expected of us. It prompts us to evaluate whether we are giving our best in every situation and whether there is more we can do to make a positive impact.

The song acknowledges that finding our purpose and learning to stand on our own takes time. It acknowledges that we may stumble and struggle along the way. But it also reminds us that God has given us the heart and time we need to find Him and make a difference in the world.

The chorus of the song beautifully captures the longing to see God's face and feel His presence. It expresses a desire to experience the fullness of Heaven and to be reassured that God is with us every step of the way. This echoes the sentiment in Psalm 27:8, which says, "My heart says of you, 'Seek his face!' Your face, Lord, I will seek."

The song ends with the poignant line, "Only to see a glimpse of Your face, to peek into Heaven, time and space. Oh, to feel my own frailty and tremble in fear, to know You are with me as long as I'm here." These words remind us that our time on earth is temporary, and we should strive to make the most of it. We should live in awe of God's presence and seek His guidance in everything we do.

"As Long As I'm Here" by Brandon Heath is a powerful song that challenges us to examine our lives and consider the impact we are making. It encourages us to love others, go above and beyond, and seek God's face in all that we do. It serves as a reminder that our purpose is not just about personal success, but about leaving a lasting legacy that reflects God's love and grace.
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