Come Up Here Lyrics Bethel Music

Come Up Here by Bethel Music

Invisible, yet tangible
Childlike and simple
Limitless, heaven thinks like this
Oh this is the kingdom realm

Now I feel heaven close
I can hear You calling

Come up here, the door is standing open
Come up here, just let go of all the weight
When you're up here, there's no chaos or confusion
It is clear, so come up here

Hey yeah

Higher thoughts, higher ways
Not by sight, only by faith
Your Word it leads and Your Spirit guides
Oh I was born for this kingdom realm

So quiet all the noise
Listen, you can hear Him

So come up here, the door is standing open
Come up here, just let go of all the weight
When you're up here, there's no chaos or confusion
It is clear, so come up here


What water am I walkin' on and what's my sea to part
If faith can move my mountains, oh let faith now fill my heart
'Cause the kingdom it is coming and yet it's here right now
So I'll close my eyes and lift my sights on heaven all around

It's all around
It's all around

So come up here, the door is standing open
Come up here, just let go of all the weight
When you're up here, there's no chaos or confusion
It is clear, so come up here


Come Up Here Video

Come Up Here Info

"Come Up Here" by Bethel Music is a powerful song that invites listeners into a deeper experience with God's presence and kingdom. The lyrics paint a picture of a realm where the invisible becomes tangible, where the chaos and confusion of the world fade away, and where the voice of God is clear and unmistakable. It is a call to step into a higher level of faith and to embrace the reality of heaven on earth.

The song opens with the description of a kingdom realm that is invisible yet tangible, childlike and simple, and limitless in its thinking. This imagery reminds us of Jesus' words in Matthew 18:3 when He says, "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." It is an invitation to approach God with childlike faith and to embrace the simplicity and limitless possibilities of His kingdom.

As the song progresses, the lyrics express a longing to feel heaven close and to hear God's voice calling. This echoes the words of Revelation 4:1 where John writes, "After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven." The door represents an invitation to enter into the heavenly realm and to experience the presence of God in a tangible way. The lyrics of "Come Up Here" encourage listeners to let go of the weight of the world and to step through that open door into a place of clarity and peace.

Throughout the song, there is an emphasis on the power of faith and the importance of aligning our thoughts and ways with those of heaven. The lyrics speak of higher thoughts and higher ways, and of being led by the Word and guided by the Spirit. This aligns with Isaiah 55:8-9, which says, "'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.'" The song encourages listeners to quiet the noise of the world and to listen for God's voice, knowing that His ways are higher and His perspective is clear.

"Come Up Here" is a song that stirs up a hunger and a longing for more of God's presence and kingdom. It reminds us that we were born for the kingdom realm and that there is a door standing open, inviting us to enter in. It challenges us to let go of the chaos and confusion of the world and to embrace the simplicity and limitless possibilities of God's kingdom. It encourages us to have childlike faith, to align our thoughts and ways with heaven, and to listen for the voice of God calling us to come up higher.

In conclusion, "Come Up Here" is a beautiful and inspiring song that invites listeners into a deeper experience with God's presence and kingdom. Its lyrics draw from scripture verses such as Matthew 18:3, Revelation 4:1, and Isaiah 55:8-9 to convey the message of stepping into a higher level of faith and embracing the reality of heaven on earth. It is a call to let go of the weight of the world, to align our thoughts and ways with heaven, and to listen for God's voice calling us to come up higher. This song serves as a powerful reminder of the invitation we have to experience the tangible presence of God and to live in the fullness of His kingdom.
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