The Way You Love Me Lyrics Anthony Evans

The Way You Love Me by Anthony Evans

This heart breaks slowly
Tell me what are you doing to me
When I prayed do what it takes
I didn't know I'd lose everything
Everything that meant anything to me is gone
How could something so right go so wrong

It is the hurt that breaks me
And it's the pain that pulls me to my knees
And the tears they've changed me
Til what I couldn't see
Becomes so clear to me
This is the way
The way that you love me

My way destroyed me
I couldn't see I was my worst enemy
So you took away til my soul ached
And I knew that it was no mistake
That everything that meant anything to me was gone
Now something right has to come from this wrong


You loved me so much that you let me
You let me fall knowing that I would loose it all and hear your call
You love me so much that you chase me
When I ran away you captured me by letting me run to the end of myself
To the end of myself and this is way you love

The Way You Love Me Video

The Way You Love Me Info

"The Way You Love Me" by Anthony Evans is a powerful and emotional song that speaks to the depths of the human heart. It explores the journey of a person who has experienced loss, pain, and brokenness, but ultimately finds hope and redemption in the way God loves them.

The lyrics of the song convey a sense of vulnerability and raw emotion. Evans sings about the heartbreak and devastation that comes from losing everything that meant anything to him. It is a cry for understanding and a plea for God to reveal His purpose in the midst of the pain.

One scripture verse that relates to the theme of the song is Romans 8:28, which says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." This verse reminds us that even in the midst of our trials and suffering, God is working behind the scenes to bring about something good. It is a comforting reassurance that God's love is not absent in our pain, but rather, He is using it to shape and transform us.

Another verse that aligns with the message of the song is Psalm 34:18, which says, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." This verse reminds us that God is not distant or indifferent to our pain, but He draws near to us in our brokenness. He is our comforter and healer, and He is present in our darkest moments.

"The Way You Love Me" also highlights the concept of surrender and letting go. The lyrics express the realization that the person's own way and choices led to their downfall, but it is through surrendering to God's love and plan that true healing and redemption can be found. This theme is reminiscent of Proverbs 3:5-6, which says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." It is a reminder that our own ways may lead to destruction, but when we submit and trust in God, He will guide us on the right path.

The song's lyrics also reveal a deep sense of gratitude for God's love and the way He pursues us. It speaks of a love that is relentless and unyielding, even when we may try to run away. This concept aligns with the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32. In the parable, the son runs away from his father and squanders his inheritance, but his father never stops loving him and eagerly welcomes him back when he returns. It illustrates the unconditional love and grace of God, who is always ready to forgive and restore us.

In conclusion, "The Way You Love Me" by Anthony Evans is a heartfelt and introspective song that explores the journey from brokenness to redemption. Through its lyrics, it conveys the pain of loss, the need for surrender, and the relentless love of God. It reminds us of the scriptures that assure us of God's presence in our suffering and His ability to bring about good from our trials. This song serves as a reminder that no matter how broken or lost we may feel, God's love has the power to heal, restore, and transform us.
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