Temptation Lyrics Anthony Evans

Temptation by Anthony Evans

Saying no to you
Is the best thing I can do
I need to see you walk away
I'm tired of the games you play
You still come around
You call me when I'm down
And I tell you that it won't work
And you tell me that it won't hurt
But I always end up worse

You try to pull me under
I'm tellin' you it's over
This isn't what you said it was
It ain't how it was and fun
You're bad for me and now I'm done
Finally have the strength to run

From temptation
From temptation

It's gon' take some work
But I believe in what I'm worth
It might not be easy
I'm stronger than I used to be
What I want you can't give me
What I want you can't give me

You try to pull me under
I'm tellin' you it's over
This isn't what you said it was
It ain't how it was and fun
You're bad for me and now I'm done
Finally have the strength to run

From temptation
From temptation

I wanna drop this weight
So I can elevate
I wanna let you go
Grab ahold of something more

Ooh, drop this weight
So I can elevate
I wanna let you go
Grab ahold of something more

You try to pull me under
I'm tellin' you it's over
This isn't what you said it was
It ain't how it was and fun
You're bad for me and now I'm done
Finally have the strength to run

From temptation
From temptation
From temptation
From temptation

Temptation Video

Temptation Info

Title: Temptation by Anthony Evans: Overcoming the Struggles of Life

"Temptation" by Anthony Evans is a powerful song that addresses the common struggle we all face in battling temptation and making choices that align with our values and faith. This song is a reminder of the constant battle between our desires and God's plan for our lives. With its relatable lyrics and captivating melody, "Temptation" encourages listeners to find strength in God to resist temptation and make righteous decisions.

Meaning and Inspiration:
The song "Temptation" explores the internal conflict of giving in to temptation versus standing firm in one's faith. Anthony Evans shares his personal experience of being enticed by something that promises temporary pleasure but ultimately leads to pain and regret. The song is a reflection of the inner turmoil that often accompanies the struggle to make the right choices in life.

Scripture Verses:
The theme of temptation and resisting its allure aligns with several Scripture verses. One such verse is 1 Corinthians 10:13, which states, "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." This verse reminds us that God's faithfulness enables us to overcome temptation.

Another relevant verse is James 1:14-15, which says, "But each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death." This verse emphasizes the importance of resisting temptation at its earliest stages, recognizing the consequences that can arise from succumbing to it.

The lyrics of "Temptation" also echo the words of Jesus in Matthew 26:41, where He tells His disciples, "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." This verse highlights the need for constant vigilance and reliance on prayer to overcome the allure of temptation.

The Story Behind the Song:
Anthony Evans, a renowned gospel artist, has consistently used his music to share his faith and inspire others. "Temptation" is a testament to his own struggles and the lessons he has learned along the way. As a Christian artist, Evans aims to encourage listeners to seek God's strength in their battles against temptation, offering hope and guidance through his music.

"Temptation" by Anthony Evans is a powerful anthem that resonates with listeners who have experienced the internal battle between their desires and their faith. By addressing the universal struggle of temptation, Evans provides encouragement to those who may be feeling overwhelmed or defeated. The song serves as a reminder of the need to rely on God's strength and guidance to overcome life's challenges. Through its relatable lyrics and biblical themes, "Temptation" inspires listeners to persevere and make choices that align with their faith, ultimately leading to a life of fulfillment and righteousness.
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