Good Fight Lyrics Anthem Lights

Good Fight by Anthem Lights

Sometimes I'm the master
Sometimes I serve
Sometimes I'm the pastor
Sometimes I'm the perv
I'm not saying
It's perfect just speaking the truth
Cause under the surface
My soul is black and blue
Black and blue
Blue, blue

We win some
We lose some
And some get away
We're perfect
We're broken
That's just how we're made
We hop in that ring with
Ourselves everyday
We fight
Fight that good, good fight
We fight
Fight that good, good, good, good fight

This girl's got a cigarette
She's trying to keep in the box
This guy's a player
But he knows he needs to stop
We get dealt these hands
Try not to fold
Got to stand
Keep your back up off the ropes
Up off the rope
Rope, ropes

We win some
We lose some
And some get away
We're perfect
We're broken
That's just how we're made
We hop in that ring with
Ourselves everyday
We fight
Fight that good, good fight
We fight
Fight that good, good, good, good fight

Wrap your hands your gloves
And set your mind right
Cause your fans
They love to see a good fight

Wrap your hands your gloves
And set your mind right
Cause your fans
They love to see a good fight

Wrap your hands your gloves
And set your mind right
Cause your fans
They love to see a good, good, good fight

We win some
We lose some
And some get away
We're perfect
We're broken
That's just how we're made
We hop in that ring with
Ourselves everyday
We fight
Fight that good, good fight
We fight
Fight that good, good, good
We fight
Fight that good, good fight
We fight
Fight that good, good, good, good fight

Good Fight Video

Good Fight Info

"Good Fight" by Anthem Lights is an inspiring song that speaks to the struggles and battles we face in our lives. With its catchy melody and powerful lyrics, it encourages listeners to persevere and fight the good fight, even when life gets tough.

The song begins by acknowledging that we all have our ups and downs, our moments of strength and moments of weakness. Sometimes, we may feel like we're in control, while other times, we may feel overwhelmed and lost. The lyrics remind us that nobody is perfect, and we all have our flaws and struggles. However, beneath the surface, our souls may be black and blue from the battles we face.

This theme of fighting is strongly rooted in the Christian faith. In Ephesians 6:12, it says, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." This verse reminds us that our battles are not merely physical, but spiritual as well. We are constantly engaged in a fight against the forces of darkness, and it is crucial that we stand firm and fight the good fight.

The song goes on to emphasize that in this fight, we may experience both victories and defeats. Some battles may be won, while others may be lost. Some struggles may slip through our grasp, leaving us feeling defeated. However, the lyrics remind us that this is a part of life, and it's important not to be discouraged by our failures. We are all imperfect and broken, but that is just how we are made.

The idea of fighting the good fight is also found in 1 Timothy 6:12, which says, "Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses." This verse encourages believers to fight for their faith and to hold on to the promises of eternal life. It reminds us that our battles have a greater purpose and that we are called to stand firm in our faith.

Throughout the song, there is a sense of determination and resilience. The lyrics encourage us to wrap our hands and put on our gloves, symbolizing the need to prepare ourselves for the battles ahead. It reminds us that our fans, or those who support and love us, want to see us fight well. This notion aligns with the idea of being a light in the world, as mentioned in Matthew 5:14-16. We are called to shine our light and show others the way, even in the midst of our struggles.

In conclusion, "Good Fight" by Anthem Lights is a powerful song that reminds us of the battles we face in life and the need to persevere and fight the good fight. It draws inspiration from scripture verses such as Ephesians 6:12 and 1 Timothy 6:12, emphasizing the spiritual nature of our struggles and the importance of standing firm in our faith. The song encourages listeners to embrace their imperfections and to keep fighting, knowing that our battles have a greater purpose. So, let us wrap our hands, put on our gloves, and fight that good, good fight.
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