Undone Lyrics Amanda Cook

Undone by Amanda Cook

Never thought that I'd question everything that I knew
Never thought that I'd have trouble finding my way back to you
Well I've searched and I've found that there's nowhere to run to
Nothing that I can hold onto
There's nothing that I can do

'Cause I'm coming undone
I am coming undone
And I love it
Yeah I love it
I'm coming undone
Because of you
Because of you

Never thought that I'd abandon everything I hold true
Never been so sure but I've never been so afraid to move
There's a hundred reasons for me not to follow this through
But every one of them has fallen into this sweet surrender to you

'Cause I'm coming undone
I am coming undone
And I love it
Yeah I love it
I'm coming undone
Because of you
Because of you

Because of you everything around me is unraveling to the core
Everything within me is wanting more of you, of you

'Cause I'm coming undone
I am coming undone

Undone Video

Undone Info

"Undone" by Amanda Cook is a powerful and introspective song that delves into the journey of questioning and surrendering to God. With heartfelt lyrics and a captivating melody, this song invites listeners to reflect on their own struggles and the process of coming undone in order to be transformed by God's love and grace.

The song starts off with the admission that the singer never expected to question everything they once knew, or to have trouble finding their way back to God. It speaks to the universal experience of doubt and uncertainty that many believers face at some point in their faith journey. Sometimes, we find ourselves in a place of confusion and search for answers, unsure of what to hold onto.

But in the midst of this struggle, the song reminds us that there is nowhere to run and nothing we can hold onto apart from God. It acknowledges the limitations of our own efforts and the need to surrender control. This echoes the biblical truth found in Proverbs 3:5-6, which says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." It is in surrendering our own understanding and leaning on God that we find true direction and peace.

As the song progresses, it expresses a sense of coming undone and the simultaneous love for this process. It speaks to the paradoxical nature of surrendering to God's will. While it may feel uncomfortable and even frightening at times, there is a deep joy and freedom in letting go and allowing God to work in our lives. This reminds me of Romans 8:28, which says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Even in the midst of our unraveling, God is at work, bringing about something beautiful and transformative.

The bridge of the song highlights the desire to abandon everything that was once held true and the fear that comes with stepping out in faith. It acknowledges the many reasons that could hold us back from fully following God, yet ultimately chooses surrender. This resonates with Jesus' call to his disciples in Matthew 16:24-25, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it." To follow Jesus requires letting go of our own desires and fears, and embracing the unknown with trust and faith.

Overall, "Undone" by Amanda Cook is a deeply relatable and inspiring song that encourages listeners to embrace the process of coming undone and surrendering to God. It reminds us that in our questioning and uncertainty, God is present and at work, guiding us towards transformation and a deeper relationship with Him. May we find the courage to let go and allow God to unravel us, knowing that in our surrender, we find true freedom and abundant life.
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