Fragile (Remixed) Lyrics Amanda Cook

Fragile (Remixed) by Amanda Cook

For the homeless, the hungry, the gangster and the priest
For the weak that hide behind a clever wall of deceit
For the sinner, the thief and the overachieved
The hurting and the lonely

We're all the same - fragile
Yeah, my name is Fragile
Either on the street or in the light of fame
We're all the same

For the man with the briefcase, on top of his game
Who's still the little boy who's been trying to fit in
He was a loser on the playground but a keener in the class
Spent most of his life trying to cover up the past

But he's the same - fragile
We're all the same - fragile
With the walls we build to hide away the pain
We're all the same

We revert to fears and tears and inconsistencies
And the mysteries only God could explain
About the way we are and how we live and how we try to hide
Who we are inside in shame

But we're all the same
How breakable we can be
When we allow others to see

We're all the same - fragile
We're all the same - fragile
With the walls we build to hide away the pain
Either on the street or in the light of fame
We're all the same

Fragile (Remixed) Video

Fragile (Remixed) Info

Fragile (Remixed) by Amanda Cook is a powerful song that speaks to the vulnerability and fragility of the human experience. The lyrics invite us to recognize that we are all the same, regardless of our circumstances or outward appearances. We all have our fears, tears, and inconsistencies, and we all have a deep need for connection and understanding.

The song begins by acknowledging the diverse range of people who make up our world - the homeless, the hungry, the gangster, and the priest. It highlights that we all struggle in different ways, and we all have our own walls of deceit and pain that we hide behind. Despite these differences, we are reminded that we are all fragile, and that fragility is what unites us.

One scripture verse that comes to mind when listening to this song is Romans 3:23, which says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." This verse reminds us that we are all broken and in need of God's grace and forgiveness. It speaks to the universal human experience of falling short and making mistakes, and emphasizes our common vulnerability as flawed individuals.

Another verse that relates to the theme of the song is Psalm 34:18, which says, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." This verse reminds us that God is near to those who are hurting and struggling. It speaks to the comfort and hope that can be found in God's presence, especially during times of fragility and brokenness.

The song encourages us not to judge or categorize people based on their outward appearances or circumstances. It reminds us that even the most successful and put-together individuals have their own insecurities and struggles. The man with the briefcase, who seems to have it all together, is still the little boy who was once a loser on the playground. This serves as a reminder that we are all complex beings with layers of experiences and emotions.

Listening to this song, we are invited to reflect on our own fragility and vulnerability. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles, and that there is power in acknowledging our shared humanity. It encourages us to break down the walls we have built to hide our pain and to seek connection and understanding with others.

In conclusion, Fragile (Remixed) by Amanda Cook is a beautiful and introspective song that speaks to the fragile nature of the human experience. It reminds us that we are all the same - fragile beings in need of love, understanding, and grace. The song invites us to embrace our vulnerability and to seek connection with others, recognizing that we are all on this journey together.
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