My Roving Heart Lyrics All Sons and Daughters

My Roving Heart by All Sons and Daughters

Let worldly minds the world pursue
It has no charms for me
Once I admired it's trifles, too
But grace has set me free

It's pleasure now no longer please
No more content afford
Far from my heart be the joys like these
Now I have seen the Lord

As by the light of opening day
The stars are all concealed
So earthly pleasures fade away
When Jesus is revealed

Creatures no more divide my choice;
I bid them all depart
His name, His love, His gracious voice
Have fixed my roving heart

Now Lord I will be Thine alone
And wholly live to Thee
But I may hope that Your will own
A worthless soul like me

Yes tho of sinners I am the worst
I cannot doubt thy will
For if Thou had not loved me first
I had refused thee still

Creatures no more divide my choice;
I bid them all depart
His name, His love, His gracious voice
Have fixed my roving heart

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My Roving Heart Info

The song "My Roving Heart" by All Sons and Daughters is a beautiful and introspective piece that speaks to the transformation of the heart through the power of grace. The lyrics express a longing to be free from the fleeting pleasures of the world and a desire to fully surrender to God.

The song opens with the line, "Let worldly minds the world pursue, it has no charms for me." This sets the tone for the rest of the song, as it highlights a shift in perspective from being captivated by worldly desires to finding true satisfaction in the presence of God. The song acknowledges that there was a time when the allure of earthly pleasures held some appeal, but the grace of God has set the heart free from these distractions.

The chorus declares, "Creatures no more divide my choice; I bid them all depart. His name, His love, His gracious voice have fixed my roving heart." This powerful statement reflects the transformation that has taken place in the heart of the singer. The distractions and temptations that once divided their focus have now been cast aside, and their heart is firmly fixed on God. The idea of a "roving heart" speaks to a heart that was once restless and searching for fulfillment in all the wrong places, but has now found its true home in God's love and grace.

Throughout the song, there is a recognition of the surpassing worth of Jesus. The lyrics draw from the imagery of light and darkness, comparing the fading pleasures of the world to the revealing light of Jesus. Just as the stars are concealed by the light of day, earthly pleasures fade away when Jesus is revealed. This echoes the words of Psalm 36:9, which says, "For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light."

The song also acknowledges the role of God's love and grace in the transformation of the heart. The singer recognizes that they are undeserving of God's love, saying, "But I may hope that Your will own a worthless soul like me." This echoes the sentiment of Ephesians 2:4-5, which says, "But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved."

"My Roving Heart" is a beautiful expression of the journey from worldly pursuits to finding fulfillment and satisfaction in God alone. It speaks to the transformative power of grace and the desire to fully surrender one's heart to God. The lyrics are filled with biblical imagery and references that further reinforce the theme of the song. Overall, this song is a powerful reminder that our hearts can find true rest and peace when they are fixed on God and His love.
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