I Am Set Free Lyrics All Sons and Daughters

I Am Set Free by All Sons and Daughters

You broke my chains of sin and shame
And You covered me with grace
And You mend my life with Your holy fire
You cover me with grace

And You are the hand that reaches out to save

And I am set free, oh oh oh
I am set free, oh oh oh
It is for freedom that I am set free

You broke my chains of sin and shame
And You covered me with grace
And You mend my life with Your holy fire
You cover me with grace

And You are the hand that reaches out to save

And I am set free, oh oh oh
I am set free, oh oh oh
It is for freedom that I am set free

And yes Lord
We are grateful
For Your grace
And for Your love

Yes Lord
We are grateful
For Your grace
And for Your love

'Cause You are the hand that reaches out to save

I am set free, oh oh oh
I am set free, oh oh oh
It is for freedom that I am set free

And I am set free, oh oh oh
I am set free, oh oh oh
It is for freedom that I am set free

I Am Set Free Video

I Am Set Free Info

The song "I Am Set Free" by All Sons and Daughters is a powerful anthem of freedom and liberation in Christ. It speaks to the transformative work of God in our lives, breaking the chains of sin and shame and covering us with His grace. This song is a reminder of the freedom we have in Christ and the gratitude we should have for His love and mercy.

The lyrics of the song beautifully capture the essence of our salvation. It starts off by acknowledging that we were once bound by chains of sin and shame. We were prisoners, trapped in a cycle of brokenness and despair. But then, God stepped in. He broke those chains and covered us with His grace. He mends our lives with His holy fire, purifying us and making us new.

One scripture verse that comes to mind when listening to this song is Romans 6:18, which says, "You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness." This verse reminds us that through Christ, we have been set free from the power of sin. We are no longer held captive by its grip, but now we are slaves to righteousness. We are called to live lives that reflect the holiness and freedom we have received through Jesus.

Another scripture that relates to the theme of the song is Galatians 5:1, which says, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." This verse reminds us that Christ's purpose in setting us free was so that we may live in true freedom. We are called to stand firm in this freedom and not allow ourselves to be burdened by the chains of sin and shame once again.

The inspiration behind this song is the personal experience of the band members and their desire to share the freedom they have found in Christ. They have witnessed the transformative power of God in their own lives and have seen how He breaks chains and covers with grace. The song is a testimony of their gratitude for what God has done and a declaration of the freedom that is available to all who believe in Him.

The song has resonated with many listeners who have experienced the life-changing power of God's grace. It speaks to the deep longing within our hearts to be set free from the burdens we carry, the guilt and shame that weigh us down. It reminds us that in Christ, we have a Savior who reaches out His hand to save us and set us free.

In conclusion, "I Am Set Free" is a powerful song that encapsulates the freedom we have in Christ. It reminds us of the transformative work of God in our lives, breaking the chains of sin and shame and covering us with His grace. The lyrics draw inspiration from scripture verses such as Romans 6:18 and Galatians 5:1, reinforcing the theme of freedom and calling us to live lives that reflect this freedom. This song serves as a declaration of gratitude for what God has done and a reminder of the freedom available to all who believe in Him.
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