Runaway Lyrics Aaron Shust

Runaway by Aaron Shust

I would leave My world behind
Give up everything that's mine
If I could know you
I would leave behind My home
Enter your world all alone
If I could find you
It doesn't matter if you run away
It doesn't matter if you hide
I would leave my world far behind
This love inside of Me; it's never gonna die
And I don't care how far away you roam
No I don't care how far away you roam
I'll come running out with open arms to welcome you back home
I'll come running out with open arms to welcome you back home
I would love to see our name
Engraved upon a picture frame
On my mantle

I would love to see your face
Every morning as you wake up
To see Me
I just wish that I could talk to you
Because I love you more than life

Runaway Video

Runaway Info

"Runaway" by Aaron Shust is a heartfelt song that captures the longing and pursuit of a love that never gives up. The lyrics speak of someone who is willing to leave everything behind, even their own world, just to find and know the one they love. It is a song that resonates with anyone who has experienced the desire to be reunited with a loved one who has gone astray or has distanced themselves.

The song begins with the declaration, "I would leave My world behind, Give up everything that's mine, If I could know you." These words convey a deep longing and willingness to sacrifice everything in order to have a relationship with the person they love. It speaks to the depth of love and the desire to be known and to know the other person intimately.

As the song continues, the lyrics express the willingness to leave behind comfort and security, saying, "I would leave behind My home, Enter your world all alone, If I could find you." This shows a determination to step out of one's own comfort zone and enter into the unknown, simply to be with the one they love. It conveys a sense of adventure and risk-taking in the pursuit of love.

The chorus of the song emphasizes the unconditional nature of this love, stating, "It doesn't matter if you run away, It doesn't matter if you hide, I would leave my world far behind, This love inside of Me; it's never gonna die." This echoes the theme of a love that never gives up, no matter how far away or hidden the loved one may be. It is a love that is eternal and unchanging.

In the bridge of the song, the lyrics express a desire to have a tangible reminder of the love shared, saying, "I would love to see our name, Engraved upon a picture frame, On my mantle." This imagery creates a sense of permanence and a desire to hold onto the love and relationship.

The song also speaks to the longing to communicate and connect with the loved one, as expressed in the lines, "I just wish that I could talk to you, Because I love you more than life." This highlights the importance of communication and the desire to express love and affection.

As Christians, we can find several scripture verses that relate to the theme of "Runaway." One such verse is Luke 15:20, which tells the parable of the prodigal son. In this story, the father eagerly welcomes back his wayward son, running out to embrace him with open arms. This parallels the lyrics of the song, where the singer declares, "I'll come running out with open arms to welcome you back home." It speaks to the forgiving and loving nature of God, and His desire for reconciliation and restoration.

Another scripture that relates to the theme of the song is Romans 8:38-39, which says, "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." This verse speaks of the unbreakable bond of God's love, which nothing can separate us from. It echoes the sentiment expressed in the song, that the love inside of the singer is never going to die.

In conclusion, "Runaway" by Aaron Shust is a powerful song that explores the depths of love, sacrifice, and pursuit. It speaks to the longing to be reunited with someone we love, and the willingness to leave everything behind in order to know and be known by them. The lyrics convey a sense of adventure, risk-taking, and an unwavering commitment to love. As Christians, we can find parallels in scripture that speak to the themes of this song, emphasizing God's love, forgiveness, and desire for reconciliation.
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