Yearning to Prophesy: Edification, Revelation, and Direction in the Church

Why Should You Yearn to Prophesy?

Have you ever experienced a moment when someone spoke a word that seemed to pierce through your soul? Perhaps it was a message of encouragement, a word of conviction, or a glimpse into the future. That moment, my friend, is what we call prophesy.

Prophesy is not just a relic of the past, confined to the pages of the Old Testament. It is a gift that God still bestows upon His people today. And as we journey into the future, it is crucial for us to understand why we should earnestly desire this gift.

1. Prophesy Edifies the Church

In 1 Corinthians 14:3, the apostle Paul tells us that the one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding, encouragement, and consolation. When God speaks through a person, it has the power to build up the body of believers, to encourage them in their faith, and to console them in times of trouble.

Think about it this way: just as a builder constructs a strong and sturdy house, prophesy constructs a strong and sturdy church. It strengthens the faith of individuals and bolsters the unity of the body of Christ.

2. Prophesy Reveals the Secrets of the Heart

Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the word of God is living and active, discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. When someone prophesies, they are speaking forth the word of God, which has the power to expose the hidden motives and desires of our hearts.

Imagine being in a room where everyone is wearing masks, pretending to be something they're not. Then, suddenly, a prophetic word is spoken, cutting through the facade and revealing the true condition of each heart. It is a powerful and transformative experience, one that brings about repentance, healing, and restoration.

3. Prophesy Brings Direction and Guidance

In Acts 21:10-11, the prophet Agabus warned Paul about the hardships he would face in Jerusalem. This prophetic word gave Paul the opportunity to prepare himself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for what lay ahead.

Similarly, in our own lives, prophesy can serve as a compass, guiding us through the twists and turns of life. It can provide insight and discernment in decision-making, offer comfort in times of uncertainty, and bring clarity to our calling and purpose.

4. Prophesy Exalts Jesus Christ

Revelation 19:10 tells us that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Prophecy, at its core, is not about predicting the future or showcasing the gifts of individuals. It is about magnifying and exalting the person of Jesus Christ.

Just as a spotlight shines on a stage, illuminating the main actor, prophesy shines a light on Jesus, illuminating His character, His work on the cross, and His eternal reign. It reminds us of His faithfulness, His love, and His coming kingdom.

So, How Can You Yearn to Prophesy?

Now that we understand the significance of prophesy, how can we cultivate a desire for this gift in our own lives? Here are a few practical steps:

1. Seek the Giver, Not Just the Gift

When we desire prophesy, it is essential to remember that our primary focus should be on the Giver of the gift, not just the gift itself. Our longing should be to know God intimately, to hear His voice, and to be used by Him for His glory.

Take time to cultivate a deep relationship with God through prayer, worship, and studying His Word. As you draw near to Him, your desire for prophesy will naturally increase.

2. Embrace the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the One who empowers and equips us for prophetic ministry. Surrender to His leading and allow Him to work in and through you. Cultivate sensitivity to His promptings and be willing to step out in faith when He prompts you to speak a word of prophesy.

Remember, prophesy is not about eloquent words or impressive performances. It is about being a vessel through which the Holy Spirit can speak to and impact others.

3. Surround Yourself with a Prophetic Community

Prophesy is not meant to be practiced in isolation. Find a community of believers who value and operate in the prophetic gifts. Learn from their experiences, receive their feedback, and grow together in your understanding and practice of prophesy.

Iron sharpens iron, and in a community of like-minded believers, your prophetic gift will be honed and refined.

4. Step Out in Faith

Don't let fear or doubt hold you back from stepping into the realm of prophesy. Remember that the power to prophesy comes from God, not from your own abilities. Trust in His faithfulness and His desire to use you as His vessel.

Be open to opportunities to prophesy, whether it's within the walls of your church, in your workplace, or even in your own home. As you step out in faith, you'll be amazed at how God can use your words to impact and transform lives.

The Future of Prophesy

As we look to the future, the gift of prophesy will continue to play a vital role in the life of the Church. In a world filled with uncertainty, confusion, and spiritual darkness, prophesy stands as a beacon of hope and a reminder of God's sovereignty.

So, my friend, I encourage you to earnestly desire the gift of prophesy. Seek the edification of the Church, the revelation of the secrets of the heart, the guidance and direction it brings, and above all, the exaltation of Jesus Christ.

Yearn for this gift, cultivate it in your life, and watch as God uses you to bring His kingdom to earth.

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