Women in Combat: Examining the Biblical Perspective on Arming Women for Frontline Roles

The Folly of Arming Women for Combat: A Biblical Perspective

As the world progresses, more women are welcomed into different spheres of life. In recent years, the military has opened its doors to women, allowing them to serve in frontline combat positions. However, this decision has been met with controversy, as some people argue that women should not be in combat roles due to their physical limitations.

As a Christian, it is essential to examine this issue from a biblical perspective. While the Bible does not explicitly address women in combat, it provides guidance on gender roles and physical strength. Therefore, before we can determine whether arming women for combat is a wise decision, we must first examine what the Bible says about gender roles and physical strength.

The Biblical View on Gender Roles

The Bible teaches that God created men and women with different roles and responsibilities. In Ephesians 5:22-23, Paul writes, "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church." Similarly, in 1 Corinthians 11:3, Paul writes, "But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God."

These passages make it clear that God has ordained different roles for men and women in marriage and relationships. However, this does not mean that women are inferior to men. In Galatians 3:28, Paul writes, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." This verse highlights the fact that in Christ, all believers are equal regardless of gender, race, or social status.

However, the fact that men and women are equal in Christ does not mean that they have the same roles and responsibilities in all areas of life. As Christians, we must recognize that God has created men and women with different strengths, abilities, and callings.

The Biblical View on Physical Strength

The Bible also provides guidance on physical strength and its importance in different areas of life. In 1 Samuel 16:7, God tells Samuel, "Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." This verse highlights the fact that physical appearance and strength are not the most important qualities in a person.

However, the Bible also teaches that physical strength is essential in some areas of life, such as warfare. In Judges 3:15-30, we read about Ehud, a left-handed man who becomes a judge in Israel. Ehud uses his physical strength to deliver Israel from the Moabites by assassinating their king. Similarly, in 1 Samuel 17, we read about David, a young shepherd boy who defeats the giant Goliath in battle. David's physical strength and courage enable him to overcome his opponent and secure victory for Israel.

These passages highlight the fact that physical strength can be a valuable asset in certain situations, such as warfare. However, they also show that physical strength alone is not enough to secure victory. In both cases, God was with the Israelites and enabled them to triumph over their enemies.

The Folly of Arming Women for Combat

Given the biblical teachings on gender roles and physical strength, it is clear that arming women for combat is a questionable decision. While women are equal to men in Christ, they have different strengths and callings. In general, men are physically stronger than women and are better suited for combat roles.

However, this does not mean that women cannot serve in the military or in other areas of life. Women can and should use their God-given strengths and abilities to serve the Lord and advance his kingdom. There are many areas of the military where women can serve effectively, such as logistics, intelligence, and medical support.

Furthermore, the fact that women are not suited for frontline combat roles does not mean that they are inferior to men or that they cannot serve their country in other ways. Women have played vital roles in the military throughout history, such as in World War II, when they served as nurses, clerks, and support staff.

Arming women for combat also raises practical concerns. Physical strength is essential in combat situations, and women, on average, are not as physically strong as men. In a combat situation, this could put them and their fellow soldiers at risk. Furthermore, women in combat roles could face increased risk of sexual assault or other forms of harassment from their male counterparts.

The Importance of Biblical Discernment

As Christians, it is essential that we exercise discernment in all areas of life, including the issue of women in combat. While the world may tell us that women should be in combat roles to promote equality, we must view this issue through the lens of Scripture.

Ultimately, our goal as Christians is to serve the Lord and advance his kingdom. We must use our God-given strengths and abilities to fulfill this calling, whether we are men or women. We must also recognize that there are different roles and responsibilities for men and women in different areas of life and that these roles are ordered by God.

Therefore, while we should support and honor our servicemen and women, we must also exercise discernment and wisdom in determining which roles are appropriate for men and which are appropriate for women.


The issue of women in combat is a contentious one, and there are valid arguments on both sides. However, as Christians, we must approach this issue from a biblical perspective. We must recognize that God has created men and women with different roles and responsibilities and that physical strength is essential in some areas of life, such as warfare.

Therefore, while women can and should serve in the military, we must exercise discernment and wisdom in determining which roles are appropriate for them. Arming women for frontline combat is a questionable decision that could put them and their fellow soldiers at risk. Instead, we should encourage women to use their God-given strengths and abilities to serve in other areas of the military and in other areas of life.

Let us pray for our servicemen and women, that they may serve the Lord and their country with honor and distinction. Let us also pray for wisdom and discernment as we navigate these challenging issues in our society.

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