Why Does God Give Us More Than We Can Handle? Exploring the Purpose Behind Overwhelming Challenges

Why Does God Give Us More Than We Can Handle?

Have you ever heard the saying, "God doesn't give us more than we can handle"? It's a comforting thought, but is it really true? Let's take a closer look at the story of Gideon in the book of Judges to find out.

The Impossible Task

In Judges 7, we find Gideon facing an impossible task. God instructs him to take on over 100,000 enemy soldiers with just 300 men. Talk about feeling overwhelmed! Gideon and his servant, Purah, must have been at a loss for words when they heard this command.

Imagine standing on the side of Mount Gilboa, looking out over the Valley of Jezreel. It's filled with enemy tents, teeming with more than 100,000 Midian warriors. The odds are stacked against Gideon and his small band of men.

God's Purpose

So why would God give Gideon and his men more than they could handle? The answer lies in God's purpose. He wanted to show His power and strength through their weakness. God didn't want Israel to think that their victory was because of their own might. He wanted them to rely on Him completely.

This is a lesson we can apply to our own lives. When we face challenges and difficulties that seem beyond our abilities, it's an opportunity for us to trust in God and lean on Him for strength. It's a reminder that we are not meant to rely on our own strength, but on the power of God.

Examples from the Bible

The story of Gideon is not the only example of God giving His people more than they can handle. Throughout the Bible, we see instances where God allows His people to face overwhelming circumstances.

1. Moses and the Red Sea

When the Israelites were fleeing from Egypt, they found themselves trapped between the Red Sea and Pharaoh's army. It seemed like there was no way out. But God miraculously parted the Red Sea, allowing His people to escape. This was an impossible situation that only God could handle.

2. David and Goliath

David, a young shepherd boy, faced the giant warrior Goliath. On the surface, it seemed like David had no chance against this formidable opponent. But with God on his side, David defeated Goliath with just a sling and a stone. This was another example of God giving someone more than they could handle, only to show His power and deliverance.

3. Paul and the Thorn in the Flesh

The apostle Paul faced many challenges in his ministry, including a "thorn in the flesh" that tormented him. We don't know exactly what this thorn was, but it was something that caused Paul great distress. Yet, God's response to Paul's plea for relief was, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9). God allowed Paul to face more than he could handle so that he would rely on God's strength.

Applying It to Our Lives

So how can we apply these lessons to our own lives? Here are a few key takeaways:

1. Trust in God's Strength

When we face challenges that seem overwhelming, we can trust in God's strength. He is bigger than any problem we may encounter. Just as He was with Gideon, Moses, David, and Paul, He is with us, ready to provide the strength and guidance we need.

2. Rely on God's Power

We are not meant to rely on our own strength or abilities. Instead, we should rely on the power of God. He can do far more than we can ever imagine. When we surrender our weaknesses to Him, He can work miracles in our lives.

3. Seek God's Guidance

When faced with overwhelming circumstances, seek God's guidance and wisdom. He knows the way forward and can provide the direction we need. Through prayer and study of His Word, we can find comfort and clarity in the midst of difficult situations.


While the saying "God doesn't give us more than we can handle" may provide comfort, it's not entirely accurate. In fact, God often gives us more than we can handle to remind us of our need for Him. He wants us to rely on His strength, trust in His power, and seek His guidance. So the next time you feel overwhelmed by life's challenges, remember that God is with you, ready to provide the strength and support you need.


  • Judges 7

  • Exodus 14

  • 1 Samuel 17

  • 2 Corinthians 12:9

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