Why Do Some Believe in the Gospel While Others Reject It? Exploring the Sovereign Work of God

In the book of Acts, we see that when the apostle Paul preached the gospel, some believed while others rejected the message. This raises the question: why do some people believe in the gospel and others do not? The answer lies in the condition of the human heart and the sovereign work of God.

Firstly, it is important to understand that those who reject the gospel do so because they have a hardened and rebellious heart. The mind of the flesh is hostile to God and cannot submit to His law (Romans 8:7). They suppress the truth and remain in darkness because of their sinful nature (Romans 1:18, Ephesians 4:18). Their ignorance is not due to a lack of availability of the truth, but rather a deliberate rejection of it.

But why then do some believe? The book of Acts provides us with several insights into this question. One answer is that those who believe have been appointed by God to do so. In Acts 13:48, we read that as Paul preached in Antioch of Pisidia, those who were appointed to eternal life believed. This highlights the sovereign choice of God in determining who will believe in the gospel.

Another answer is that God grants repentance to those who believe. In Acts 11:18, when the saints in Jerusalem heard that Gentiles were responding to the gospel, they acknowledged that God had granted repentance to them. This emphasizes the role of God in enabling individuals to turn from their sins and embrace the truth of the gospel.

However, the clearest answer in Acts to the question of why some believe is that God opens the heart. A prime example of this is seen in Lydia, a woman from Thyatira who was a worshiper of God. In Acts 16:14, it says, "The Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what was said by Paul." This demonstrates the supernatural work of God in softening and enlightening the hearts of individuals, enabling them to receive the message of the gospel.

If you are a believer in Jesus, all of these things have happened to you. You have been appointed to believe, granted repentance, and your heart has been opened by the Lord. This should fill you with amazed thankfulness, as you recognize the miracle of your faith.

As we reflect on these truths, it is important to remember that our faith is not of our own doing, but a gift from God (Ephesians 2:8-9). We cannot boast in our own ability to believe, but only in the grace and mercy of God. Our response, then, should be one of humility, gratitude, and a desire to share the message of the gospel with others.

In conclusion, the question of why some believe in the gospel while others do not ultimately rests in the sovereign work of God. Those who reject the gospel do so because of their hardened heart and sinful nature. However, those who believe do so because God has appointed them, granted them repentance, and opened their hearts to receive the truth. As believers, we should be filled with thankfulness for the miracle of our faith and seek to share the gospel with others, knowing that it is ultimately God who opens hearts and brings people to Himself.
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