When You Don't Feel Like Worshiping: Connecting with God in Spirit and Truth

When You Don't Feel Like Worshiping

Have you ever found yourself at church, and worship begins, but you are not feeling it? You feel no awe of God, no love for him, nothing. What should you do in such a situation? Should you go through the motions anyway or leave and come back next Sunday for another try?

As Christians, we are called to worship God in spirit and in truth. Jesus taught that true worship must involve both spirit and truth, “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24). To worship in truth means worshipping the true God as revealed in Jesus Christ, as recorded in Scripture. But what does it mean to worship in spirit?

Worshiping in Spirit

Worshiping in spirit means worshiping with your whole being and engaging with God on a deep spiritual level. It requires a connection with the Holy Spirit, who helps us to worship in a way that is pleasing to God. The Holy Spirit helps us to pray, to sing, to listen and to respond to the word of God in a way that is authentic and heartfelt.

When we worship in spirit, we connect with God on a deep level, and we experience His presence. We feel His love, His compassion, and His grace. We experience the joy of the Lord, and we are transformed by His power.

What to Do When You Don't Feel Like Worshiping

So, what should you do when you don't feel like worshiping? Here are a few things to consider:

1. Pray

Prayer is the foundation of our relationship with God. When we don't feel like worshiping, we need to pray. We need to ask God to help us connect with Him on a deeper level. We need to ask Him to help us worship in spirit and in truth. We need to ask Him to help us feel His presence and experience His love.

When we pray, we are inviting God into our lives. We are acknowledging our need for Him, and we are opening ourselves up to His love and His grace. Prayer is a powerful tool that can help us to overcome our feelings of apathy and disconnection.

2. Read the Bible

The Bible is God's word to us. It is a treasure trove of wisdom, knowledge, and truth. When we read the Bible, we are connecting with God's heart and His mind. We are learning about His character, His love, and His plan for our lives.

When we feel disconnected from God, reading the Bible can help us to reconnect. We can read about God's love for us, His faithfulness, and His power. We can read about His promises and His plan for our lives. The Bible can help us to focus on God and His goodness, rather than our feelings.

3. Sing

Singing is a powerful way to connect with God. When we sing, we are declaring our love for Him and our faith in Him. We are expressing our hearts to Him in a way that is both authentic and powerful.

When we don't feel like worshiping, singing can help us to connect with God on a deeper level. We can sing songs of praise, songs of thanksgiving, and songs of worship. We can sing about God's love, His faithfulness, and His power. We can sing about His goodness and His grace.

4. Focus on God's Character

When we don't feel like worshiping, it is easy to focus on our feelings and our circumstances. We may feel discouraged, disappointed, or disconnected. However, when we focus on God's character, we can find hope and encouragement.

God is always faithful, even when we are faithless. He is always loving, even when we are unlovable. He is always good, even when our circumstances are not. When we focus on His character, we can find the strength to worship Him, even when we don't feel like it.

5. Worship Anyway

Finally, sometimes we need to worship anyway. Sometimes we need to go through the motions, even when we don't feel like it. We need to make a choice to worship God, even when our feelings are telling us not to.

Worshiping God is not always easy, but it is always worth it. When we choose to worship anyway, we are declaring our faith in God. We are saying that we believe in Him, even when we don't feel like it. We are showing our love for Him, even when our emotions are telling us not to.


Worshiping God is an essential part of our Christian walk. It is how we connect with God, how we experience His presence, and how we grow in our faith. But sometimes we don't feel like worshiping. We may feel disconnected, apathetic, or discouraged. When that happens, we need to pray, read the Bible, sing, focus on God's character, and worship anyway. These things can help us to connect with God on a deeper level and experience His presence in our lives.

Remember, worshiping God is not about how we feel; it is about who He is. He is worthy of our worship, and He deserves our praise. Let us choose to worship Him, even when we don't feel like it.

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