Van Gogh's Heartbreak: Symbolism in 'Still Life with Bible' Reveals Str

The Van Gogh Painting That Reveals His Heartbreak

Vincent van Gogh was a man of many passions and aspirations. He desired to become a Calvinist pastor, like his father. He pursued ministry in the Dutch Reformed Church until he hit a roadblock by failing his academic training. This personal failure resulted in disillusionment, and he became disenchanted with pastoral ministry, leaving the church for good in 1880 at the age of 27. From that point on, van Gogh redirected all his ambitions to art.

Of all van Gogh’s famous works, I’m most struck by a painting he feverishly finished in one day: “Still Life with Bible” (1885). The symbolic painting features two books. The large book in the background is the Bible of van Gogh’s pastor-father. The Bible is opened to Isaiah 53. The yellow book in the foreground is a French novel by naturalist Émile Zola. The book is titled La Joie de Vivre, or in English, The Joy of Life (1884).

The Symbolism of the Painting

So why did van Gogh put these two books together? What is the symbolism behind this painting that reveals his heartbreak?

The background of the painting shows the Bible, which was owned by van Gogh’s father, a pastor. The Bible is open to the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah, which speaks of the servant who will suffer for the sins of others. This chapter is often referred to as the “Suffering Servant” passage, and it is one of the most significant Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament. The passage speaks of a man who will take on the sins of others and be punished for them, leading to redemption.

Van Gogh’s father was a devout pastor who had a significant influence on van Gogh’s life. He taught his son about the Bible, theology, and the Christian faith. Van Gogh’s deep understanding of the Bible is evident in this painting. He chose to include this passage from Isaiah to symbolize the suffering that he and his family were going through. The painting is a reflection of van Gogh’s inner turmoil and the pain that he was experiencing.

The yellow book in the foreground of the painting is The Joy of Life, a French novel by Émile Zola. This book represents the secular world and the pleasures and joys that it offers. In contrast to the Bible, which speaks of suffering and redemption, this novel is a celebration of the joys of life.

Van Gogh’s decision to include this novel in the painting is significant. It shows his struggle with the tension between his faith and his desire for worldly pleasures. He was torn between the two worlds and could not find a way to reconcile them.

Van Gogh’s Struggle with Depression

Van Gogh’s life was marked by tragedy and suffering. He struggled with depression, which affected his mental health and his ability to function. His paintings are a reflection of his inner turmoil and his search for meaning in life.

Van Gogh’s struggle with depression is evident in his paintings. He often used dark colors and heavy brushstrokes to express his emotions. His paintings are a reflection of his inner pain and his search for hope and meaning in life.

Van Gogh’s life was also marked by rejection and loneliness. He was rejected by the art world and his paintings were not appreciated during his lifetime. He longed for acceptance and recognition but was often met with criticism and rejection.

The Biblical Response to Suffering

The Bible speaks extensively about suffering and how to respond to it. The book of Job is a powerful reflection on the nature of suffering and the role that it plays in our lives. Job was a righteous man who experienced tremendous suffering and loss. He lost his family, his wealth, and his health.

Job’s friends tried to comfort him by offering explanations for his suffering. They suggested that he must have done something to deserve it. But Job refused to accept their explanations. He knew that he was innocent and that his suffering was not a punishment for his sins.

Job’s response to suffering is an example for all of us. He did not give up on God or his faith. He did not curse God or blame him for his suffering. Instead, he continued to trust in God’s goodness and his sovereignty.

Similarly, the prophet Habakkuk also struggled with the problem of suffering. He questioned God’s justice and wondered why he allowed evil to exist in the world. But in the end, he chose to trust in God’s goodness and his plan for the world.

The Role of Faith in Overcoming Depression

Depression is a serious mental health condition that affects millions of people around the world. It can be debilitating and can affect a person’s ability to function.

For Christians, faith can play a significant role in overcoming depression. Faith provides hope and meaning in life, even in the midst of suffering. It reminds us that we are not alone and that God is with us, even in our darkest moments.

Prayer and meditation on God’s Word can also help to alleviate symptoms of depression. The Bible offers hope and comfort to those who are struggling with depression. It reminds us that God is a God of love and compassion, and that he cares for us deeply.

Finally, seeking help from a mental health professional can also be an essential step in overcoming depression. Medication and therapy can help to manage symptoms of depression and provide support during difficult times.


Van Gogh’s painting, “Still Life with Bible,” is a powerful reflection on the nature of suffering and the role that faith plays in overcoming it. The painting shows the tension between the Christian faith and the pleasures and joys of the world. It is a reminder that we live in a fallen world, where suffering and pain are a part of life.

But the Bible offers hope and comfort to those who are struggling. It reminds us that God is a God of love and compassion, and that he cares for us deeply. It also shows us how to respond to suffering with faith and trust in God’s goodness and sovereignty.

If you are struggling with depression or any other mental health condition, remember that you are not alone. Seek help from a mental health professional, and rely on your faith to provide hope and meaning in life. God is with you, even in your darkest moments.

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