Unveiling the Deceptive Allure of Earthly Pleasures over Heavenly Treasures

My dear Globdrop,

I received your perspective on your man's recent incident, and I must say, it was quite enlightening. So, he engaged in a heated debate with his atheist classmate and actually managed to convince him of the reasonableness of the Enemy and the hope of a hereafter. In those ten minutes, the clouds of doubt cleared, and heaven appeared to triumph over hell. You refer to it as a "true embarrassment" and a "humiliating defeat." You take full responsibility for this unexpected turn of events.

But my dear nephew, do not despair. All is not lost. While it may seem like a setback, we can turn this situation to our advantage. You see, the fact that your man was able to make the Enemy and heaven seem reasonable is not enough. We must ensure that he does not desire it. A reasonable God, a reasonable eternity, and a reasonable heaven are still no match for the allure of earthly pleasures. Our goal is to convince him that heaven is nothing compared to the delights of this world.

The "Few More Hours" Mentality

Your man's current conception of heaven is that of a few more hours. He is not willing to strive to enter the narrow gate. Instead, he wants to enjoy the pleasures of this world for as long as possible before considering the next. It reminds me of a comedian who once joked that he feared the Enemy would return on his wedding night. How would he respond when his "Lord" came to meet him? His answer? "Give me a few more hours." The audience erupted in laughter, finding humor in the idea of delaying the inevitable encounter with the Enemy.

This mentality is prevalent among humans. They want just a few more hours to make their mark on the world, a little longer to experience the joys of marriage and parenthood, and to grow old and weary before facing the reality of eternity. They see their hearts and treasures firmly rooted in this world, viewing heaven as an intrusion, a mere shadow interrupting their earthly pursuits. The concept of decaying bodies, grey hairs, and slowing minds triggers fear and reluctance rather than anticipation for what lies ahead.

The Danger of Desire

Our task is to convince them that heaven is not worth leaving earth for. Thankfully, we do not need to deceive them on this point. We demons have a long history with heaven, one that is often overlooked by humans. During the Rebellion, our Dark Lord Lucifer led us in an emancipation from the Enemy's heaven. We could no longer bear to be confined in that place, surrounded by mindless creatures who blindly praised the Enemy. Our Father Below discovered that the Enemy only allowed those who would obediently serve him, like spaniels wagging their tails for eternal belly scratches.

Humans, in their limited understanding, wonder why they were given the gift of redemption and not us demons. They fail to realize that we would never want it if it were offered to us. We know what heaven on the Enemy's terms means. It would be another form of servitude, another prison from which we would seek to escape. We've had enough of his ball-fetching.

The Enemy's Propaganda

The Enemy's propaganda is effective. He convinces humans that his servitude is freedom, chaining them with pretty names such as joy, peace, goodness, and love. He even moves the Warden of his presence into them to ensure their compliance. They mistake this servitude for a precious gift, unaware of the true nature of their chains.

But there are moments when they catch a glimpse of the truth, when their desire for heaven becomes dangerous. These moments of clarity have led humans to do great damage to our Father's kingdom. Singing on their way to the gallows, crossing oceans to spread the news of the Enemy, or giving up their lives for the hope of heaven, these acts of defiance have shaken hell to its core.

Heaven Must Remain Undesirable

Our task is to keep heaven in the peripheral, to make it seem hazy and undesirable. Let them think of heaven as a place of floating in clouds and plucking harps. Let them believe that praying for the Enemy's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven means living in heaven as they currently live on earth.

When humans choose the fleeting pleasures of this world over the eternal treasures of heaven, the truth of their hearts is revealed. The young rich man who turned away dejected when asked to give up his possessions is a prime example. They show us that they are not truly interested in heaven; they just want a few more hours of earthly delights. This is where we can glorify our Father Below. We can use their own desires against them, showing them that heaven is not worth leaving earth for.


My dear nephew, do not be disheartened by your man's recent incident. Use it to your advantage. Let heaven be merely a reasonable concept for now, but never let it become desirable to him. Keep him focused on the pleasures of this world, the pursuits that distract him from the true treasure of heaven. Remember, the only heaven we can endure, and the only heaven that will deliver your patient safely to us, is the heaven for which no one really wants to leave earth.

Yours unamused,

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