Triumph Over the Devil: The Power of Our Union with Christ

As believers, our union with Christ is of utmost importance because it brings about a tremendous transformation in our lives. Through this union, Christ achieved a decisive triumph over the devil at Calvary. Although Satan still exists in the world, he has been disarmed to such an extent that he can no longer accuse us of unforgiven sin. This means he cannot bring us to utter ruin.

Colossians 2:13-15 describes this triumph, stating that God made us alive together with Christ, forgiving us all our trespasses and canceling the record of debt that stood against us. This record of debt was the devil's chief accusation against us, but it was nailed to the cross by Christ. As a result, the devil has no accusation that can hold in the court of heaven. He is now helpless to do the one thing he desires most: damn us. Christ bore our damnation, and the devil is disarmed.

The author of Hebrews also speaks of Christ's victory over the devil in Hebrews 2:14-15. Christ became human and died in order to destroy the one who has the power of death, which is the devil. Through his death, Christ delivers all those who were subject to lifelong slavery due to their fear of death.

While death is still our enemy, it has been defanged through Christ's triumph. The poison of the viper has been drained away, and the deadly sting is gone. The sting of death is sin, and the damning power of sin lies in the demand of the law. However, Christ satisfied the law's demand, rendering the devil's accusations powerless. We can now confidently declare, "O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?" (1 Corinthians 15:55).

This victory over the devil is of great significance for us as believers. It means that although the devil can still inflict physical and emotional harm, and even take our lives, he cannot destroy us. The weapon of damnation has been stripped from his hand. The devil's ultimate goal is to separate us from God and damn us for eternity, but through our union with Christ, we are secure in the forgiveness and salvation that Christ has accomplished.

This truth should bring us great comfort and assurance. We no longer need to fear the devil's accusations or his attempts to condemn us. We can rest in the knowledge that our sins have been forgiven and the record of debt against us has been canceled. The devil may try to tempt us, incite others against us, or bring suffering into our lives, but he is ultimately defeated. Christ's triumph at the cross has disarmed him and put him to open shame.

As we meditate on the victory of Christ over the devil, let us remember that our union with Christ is the foundation of this triumph. It is through our faith in Christ that we are united with him and share in his victory. This union not only secures our forgiveness and salvation but also empowers us to live victoriously over sin and temptation.

Let us also be mindful that our union with Christ does not exempt us from the trials and tribulations of this world. We will still face challenges, sufferings, and even the reality of death. However, in the midst of these difficulties, we can cling to the truth that our ultimate destiny is secure in Christ. The devil may have his temporary victories, but they are no match for the eternal victory that Christ has achieved.

In conclusion, our union with Christ brings about a decisive triumph over the devil. Through Christ's death on the cross, the record of debt against us has been canceled, and the devil's accusations have been rendered powerless. While the devil may still attempt to harm us, he cannot destroy us. We can rest in the assurance that our sins have been forgiven and our ultimate destiny is secure in Christ. Let us live in the freedom and victory that our union with Christ brings, knowing that the devil has been disarmed and defeated through the triumph of the cross.
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