The Unexpected Messiah: Trusting in God's Plan and Purpose

An Unexpected Messiah

Have you ever stopped to ponder just how strange everything about the birth of Jesus was? Whatever people had imagined the coming of the Messiah would look like, no one could have predicted what actually happened. It was a series of unexpected events that unfolded in Bethlehem, revealing the Son of God in a way that no one had anticipated.

In the Tanakh (Old Testament), there were hints and prophecies about the coming of the Messiah, but the full extent of his identity and purpose remained a mystery to the Jews. It was only when Jesus arrived on the scene that the pieces started to come together. The scriptures pointed to his birth in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), his lineage from the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10), and his miraculous conception by a virgin (Isaiah 7:14). But who could have imagined that the long-awaited Messiah would be born in a humble stable, surrounded by animals, and laid in a manger?

This unexpected revelation of the Son of God teaches us an important lesson about how God works in our lives. Just as no one could fully comprehend the magnitude of Jesus' birth, we often find ourselves in situations that are confusing, perplexing, and beyond our understanding. We may face unexpected challenges, disappointments, and even tragedies. But just as God had a plan and purpose in the birth of Jesus, he also has a plan for our lives, even when we can't see it.

When we encounter the unexpected, it's easy to question God and wonder what he's doing. We may feel like everything is falling apart and that God has abandoned us. But the truth is, God is always at work, even in the midst of our confusion and pain. He sees the big picture that we can't see. He knows how all the pieces fit together, even when they seem scattered and chaotic from our perspective.

Think about Joseph, for example. When he discovered that Mary was pregnant, he was devastated and didn't know what to do. He could have divorced her quietly and walked away from the whole situation. But an angel appeared to him in a dream and explained that Mary's child was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Joseph had a choice to make. He could either trust in God's plan or give in to his own doubts and fears.

Joseph chose to trust. He took Mary as his wife and became a father to Jesus. He didn't fully understand everything that was happening, but he believed that God was at work. And because of his faith and obedience, he played a vital role in God's plan of salvation.

Joseph's story reminds us that even when we don't understand, we can still trust in God's sovereignty and goodness. We may not see the full picture, but we can have confidence that God is working all things together for our good (Romans 8:28).

The Paradox of the Cross

The unexpected nature of Jesus' birth continued throughout his life and ministry. He didn't fit the mold of what people expected the Messiah to be. The Jews were looking for a powerful political leader who would overthrow the Roman oppressors and establish a kingdom on earth. But Jesus came as a humble servant, preaching a message of love, forgiveness, and self-sacrifice.

Jesus' teachings were often paradoxical and counter-cultural. He said that the first would be last and the last would be first (Matthew 20:16). He taught that to gain your life, you must be willing to lose it (Matthew 16:25). He challenged the religious leaders of his day and showed compassion to the outcasts and sinners.

But the greatest paradox of all was Jesus' death on the cross. The cross was a symbol of shame, humiliation, and defeat. It was the cruelest form of punishment reserved for the worst criminals. Yet, in God's upside-down kingdom, the cross became the means of salvation and victory.

On the cross, Jesus bore the weight of our sin and shame. He took upon himself the punishment that we deserved. It was a brutal and agonizing death, but through it, Jesus accomplished something incredible. He made a way for us to be reconciled to God, to be forgiven and given eternal life.

When Jesus breathed his last breath and declared, "It is finished" (John 19:30), the world stood in awe. The unexpected had happened once again. The Savior of the world had died, but little did they know that his death was just the beginning of something even more extraordinary.

Resurrection and Redemption

Three days after Jesus' death, something amazing occurred. He rose from the dead. The resurrection of Jesus is the central event of the Christian faith. It is the ultimate display of God's power and victory over sin and death.

Imagine what it must have been like for the disciples. They had witnessed Jesus' miracles, heard his teachings, and believed that he was the Messiah. But when he was crucified, their hopes and dreams were shattered. They didn't understand why it had to happen this way.

But on that glorious morning when the stone was rolled away and Jesus walked out of the tomb, everything changed. The disciples saw with their own eyes that death had been defeated. Jesus was alive, and he appeared to them, reassuring them of his victory and commissioning them to go and spread the good news.

From that moment on, the disciples became bold witnesses of the resurrection. They were transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit and went on to proclaim the message of salvation to the ends of the earth. They faced persecution, imprisonment, and even death, but they never wavered in their faith. They knew that Jesus was alive, and they were willing to give everything for the sake of the gospel.

The resurrection of Jesus is not just a historical event that happened two thousand years ago. It is a reality that has the power to transform our lives today. When we put our faith in Jesus and trust in his death and resurrection, we are made new. Our sins are forgiven, and we are given the gift of eternal life. We have hope and assurance that death is not the end, but a doorway to everlasting joy in the presence of God.

Trusting in the Unknown

So what does all this mean for us today? How do we navigate the uncertainties and challenges of life in the year 2023 and beyond? How do we trust in a God whose ways are often beyond our comprehension?

First, we need to remember that God's ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). We may not always understand why things happen the way they do, but we can trust that God is in control. He sees the bigger picture, and he knows what is best for us.

Second, we need to anchor our trust in the character of God. Throughout the Bible, we see God's faithfulness, love, and mercy demonstrated time and time again. He has proven himself trustworthy in the past, and he will continue to be faithful in the future. As the psalmist writes, "The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him" (Nahum 1:7).

Third, we need to cultivate a heart of gratitude and praise. Even in the midst of uncertainty and suffering, we can choose to thank God for his goodness and faithfulness. We can praise him for the gift of salvation and the hope we have in Christ. When we shift our focus from our circumstances to the greatness of God, our perspective changes, and we find strength and peace.

Finally, we need to remember that God is always at work, even when we can't see it. Just as the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus unfolded in unexpected ways, so too does God's plan for our lives. He often works behind the scenes, orchestrating events and circumstances for our ultimate good and his glory.

Think of a tapestry being woven together. From the back, it may look like a jumble of threads and knots, but from the front, it forms a beautiful picture. In the same way, God is weaving together the threads of our lives, creating a masterpiece that we can't fully comprehend.

As we trust in the unknown, we can rest in the assurance that God is with us every step of the way. He is our guide, our comforter, and our strength. And just as he brought redemption and new life through the unexpected birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, he can bring beauty and purpose out of the unexpected twists and turns of our own lives.

So let us embrace the unknown, knowing that God is working all things together for our good. Let us trust in his plan and his timing, even when we can't see the full picture. And let us rejoice in the hope we have in Jesus, who came into the world in the most unexpected way and continues to bring hope and redemption to all who believe.

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