The Trembling Heart: Pleasing God with Reverence

The Trembling Heart: A Delight to God

Have you ever considered what type of heart pleases God? In the book of Isaiah, we find a profound answer to this question. In Isaiah 66:2, God declares, "This is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word." This verse reveals the first mark of an upright heart - a heart that trembles at the word of the Lord.

Isaiah 66 addresses the issue of acceptable worship. Some people worship in a way that pleases God, while others do not. Verse 3 describes the wicked who bring their sacrifices, stating, "He who slaughters an ox is like one who kills a man." Shockingly, their sacrifices are likened to murder and are abominable to God. Why is this so?

God explains in verse 4, "When I called, no one answered, when I spoke, they did not listen." The people were deaf to God's voice, and therefore, their sacrifices were an abomination. But what about those whose prayers God heard? God declares in verse 2, "This is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word."

From this verse, we can deduce that the first mark of an upright heart, whose prayers delight God, is the trembling at God's word. These are the people to whom the Lord will look. Their prayers come from a heart that initially feels precarious in the presence of God. It trembles at the hearing of God's word because it recognizes its own distance from God's ideal, its vulnerability to His judgment, and its helplessness and sorrow for its failings.

This aligns with what David expressed in Psalm 51:17, "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." The first thing that makes a prayer acceptable to God is the brokenness and humility of the one who prays. They tremble at His word.

The concept of trembling at God's word can be challenging to grasp fully. It involves a deep reverence and awe for the authority and holiness of God's word. It recognizes that God's word is the ultimate standard of truth and righteousness. When we tremble at God's word, we acknowledge our need for His guidance and correction. We humbly submit ourselves to His wisdom and align our lives with His commands.

Trembling at God's word also implies a fear of disobedience. We understand that God's word carries weight and consequences. It convicts us of our sins and reveals the righteousness we are called to pursue. When we tremble at God's word, we are motivated to obey Him wholeheartedly, knowing that to disregard His commands would be a grave offense.

Moreover, trembling at God's word involves recognizing the transformative power of His truth. We understand that God's word has the ability to penetrate our hearts, convict us of sin, and lead us to repentance. It reveals God's character and His redemptive plan for humanity. When we tremble at God's word, we approach it with a teachable spirit, ready to be molded and shaped by its truths.

So, how can we cultivate a heart that trembles at God's word? Here are some practical steps we can take:

1. Study and Meditate on God's Word: Set aside time each day to read and reflect on Scripture. Dive deep into its teachings, seeking to understand its message and apply it to your life. Meditate on its truths and allow them to penetrate your heart.

2. Pray for a Humble and Contrite Spirit: Ask God to give you a heart that is humble and contrite, one that recognizes its need for His guidance and forgiveness. Pray for the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the truths of His word and to help you align your life with His commands.

3. Attend Church and Seek Wise Counsel: Regularly gather with other believers in a local church. Listen to the preaching of God's word and seek the counsel of mature Christians who can help you understand and apply its truths. Surround yourself with a community of believers who also tremble at God's word.

4. Obey God's Word: Put into practice what you learn from Scripture. Obedience is a crucial aspect of trembling at God's word. As you align your life with His commands, you will experience the joy and blessings that come from living in accordance with His truth.

5. Humbly Receive Correction: When God's word convicts you of sin or reveals areas of your life that need correction, humbly receive it. Allow His truth to transform you and guide you towards righteousness. Embrace a teachable spirit that is open to correction and growth.

As we cultivate a heart that trembles at God's word, we will find that our prayers become a delight to God. He looks upon us with favor, not because of our perfection, but because of our humility and contrition. When we approach Him with reverence and awe, acknowledging our need for Him, He is pleased.

Let us strive to be a people whose hearts tremble at God's word. May we be humble and contrite, recognizing our dependence on Him and seeking to align our lives with His truth. As we do so, we will experience the joy of walking in intimate fellowship with our Creator and find our prayers ascending as a sweet fragrance before His throne.
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