The Strangest Thing Jesus Said: Unpacking a Perplexing Statement

The Strangest Thing Jesus Said - Desiring God

The Strangest Thing Jesus Said


Have you ever come across something Jesus said that seemed strange or difficult to understand? It's not uncommon to encounter teachings from Jesus that challenge our preconceived notions or require us to dig deeper for meaning. In this article, we will explore one such statement from Jesus that has perplexed many throughout history.

The Context

In the Gospel of John, chapter seven, we find Jesus in the midst of a heated debate with the Pharisees. His words and actions had stirred controversy, making him a polarizing figure in Palestine. Some accused him of being demon-possessed, while others wondered if he could be the long-awaited Prophet or even the Christ himself.

Amidst this tension, Jesus made a statement that left his audience puzzled. He said, "You will seek me and you will not find me. Where I am, you cannot come" (John 7:34 ESV). This declaration raised questions and confusion among those who heard it. What did Jesus mean by this strange statement?

Unpacking the Statement

To understand Jesus' words, we need to examine the broader context and the message he was conveying. Let's break down the statement and explore its deeper meaning.

"You will seek me"

When Jesus said, "You will seek me," he was referring to the people's desire to find him physically. They wanted to locate him and perhaps engage in further debate or witness his miracles. However, Jesus knew that their pursuit of him was rooted in their worldly desires and limited understanding.

Many people today also seek Jesus for various reasons - to fulfill their personal desires, seek temporary blessings, or find answers to their immediate problems. While these motivations are not inherently wrong, Jesus invites us to seek him for something greater - to know him intimately, experience his love, and find true purpose and fulfillment in him.

"You will not find me"

Jesus' statement, "You will not find me," may sound puzzling at first, but he was not suggesting that he would be physically absent or inaccessible. Instead, Jesus was highlighting the spiritual blindness and hardness of heart that hindered the Pharisees and others from truly encountering him.

Similarly, today, many people search for Jesus in all the wrong places - in material possessions, success, or worldly pursuits. But until we recognize our need for a Savior and humbly submit ourselves to him, we will never find the true and abundant life that Jesus offers.

"Where I am, you cannot come"

Jesus' final statement, "Where I am, you cannot come," reveals a profound truth about our need for salvation and the necessity of faith in him. The Pharisees and others who rejected Jesus were unable to enter into the intimate relationship with God that he offered.

In John 14:6, Jesus declares, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." This statement emphasizes the exclusivity of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Only by believing in him and surrendering our lives to him can we enter into eternal communion with God.

Application to Our Lives

Jesus' statement challenges us to examine our own motivations for seeking him and the state of our hearts. Are we pursuing Jesus out of curiosity or for superficial reasons? Or are we genuinely seeking a deep and transformative relationship with him?

Today, as we navigate the complexities of life in 2023 and beyond, Jesus' words remain as relevant as ever. The distractions and temptations of this world can easily pull us away from pursuing a genuine relationship with him. However, when we earnestly seek Jesus with an open heart and a hunger for truth, he promises to reveal himself to us.

Let us not be like the Pharisees who were blinded by their own self-righteousness and missed the opportunity to encounter the Son of God. Instead, let us humbly approach Jesus, acknowledging our need for him, and surrendering our lives to his lordship.


While Jesus' statement may initially seem strange or difficult to grasp, it carries a profound message that transcends time and culture. It challenges us to examine our motives, confront our spiritual blindness, and embrace the exclusive path to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

As we journey through life, let us remember Jesus' words and continually seek to deepen our relationship with him. In doing so, we will discover the true meaning of life, experience his unconditional love, and find eternal hope in the midst of a changing world.

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