The Story of Marriage: From Creation to Fulfillment in Christ

The Story of Marriage in Seven Verses

Marriage is a beautiful gift from God that has been given to mankind to enjoy. It is a union between a man and a woman that is meant to reflect the relationship between Jesus Christ and the Church. God designed marriage to be a lifelong commitment, filled with love, joy, and blessings. Despite the challenges that come with marriage, it is a sacred institution that should be honored and cherished.

In this article, we will explore the story of marriage in seven verses from the Bible. Each verse highlights a different aspect of marriage, from its creation to its ultimate fulfillment in Christ. These verses provide a foundation for understanding the purpose and significance of marriage.

Verse 1: Genesis 2:18-25

The first verse in the story of marriage is found in Genesis 2:18-25. In this passage, God creates Eve as a companion and helper for Adam. He brings her to Adam, and they become one flesh. This passage highlights the importance of companionship and partnership in marriage. It also emphasizes the unity and oneness that should exist between a husband and wife.

Furthermore, this passage establishes the biblical definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman. God did not create Adam and Steve or Eve and Jane. He created Adam and Eve, and He intended for them to be united in marriage. This is an important truth that is under attack in our culture today.

Verse 2: Proverbs 5:18-19

The second verse in the story of marriage is found in Proverbs 5:18-19. In this passage, the writer exhorts husbands to rejoice in the wife of their youth and to be intoxicated with her love. This verse highlights the importance of cherishing and delighting in one's spouse.

Marriage is not just a legal contract or a social institution. It is a covenant relationship between two people who are deeply in love with each other. Husbands and wives should take delight in each other's company and constantly seek to strengthen their bond of love.

Verse 3: Malachi 2:15

The third verse in the story of marriage is found in Malachi 2:15. In this passage, the prophet declares that God seeks godly offspring from the union of a husband and wife. This verse highlights the importance of raising children who love and serve the Lord.

Marriage is not just about the happiness and fulfillment of the husband and wife. It is also about the legacy they leave behind. Parents have a responsibility to train up their children in the ways of the Lord and to pass on a godly heritage to the next generation.

Verse 4: Ephesians 5:22-33

The fourth verse in the story of marriage is found in Ephesians 5:22-33. In this passage, Paul teaches about the relationship between Christ and the Church and how it relates to marriage. He exhorts wives to submit to their husbands as to the Lord, and he commands husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the Church.

This verse highlights the sacrificial love that should exist between a husband and wife. It also emphasizes the importance of mutual submission and respect in marriage. The biblical model of marriage is not one of dominance and control, but of mutual love and self-sacrifice.

Verse 5: 1 Peter 3:1-7

The fifth verse in the story of marriage is found in 1 Peter 3:1-7. In this passage, Peter gives instruction to wives and husbands on how to conduct themselves in marriage. He exhorts wives to have a gentle and quiet spirit and to adorn themselves with the beauty of a godly character. He also commands husbands to live with their wives in an understanding way and to honor them as fellow heirs of the grace of life.

This verse highlights the importance of character and conduct in marriage. A godly marriage is not just about feelings or emotions. It is about living out the principles of God's Word and treating one's spouse with love, respect, and honor.

Verse 6: Song of Solomon

The sixth verse in the story of marriage is found in the Song of Solomon. This book is a beautiful love poem that celebrates the joys of physical intimacy between a husband and wife. It is a reminder that God created sex as a gift to be enjoyed within the context of marriage.

This verse highlights the importance of physical intimacy in marriage. It is a reminder that sex is not dirty or shameful, but a beautiful expression of love between two people who are committed to each other for life.

Verse 7: Revelation 19:6-9

The final verse in the story of marriage is found in Revelation 19:6-9. In this passage, John sees a vision of the marriage supper of the Lamb, where Christ and His Church are united forever. This verse highlights the ultimate fulfillment of marriage in Christ.

Marriage is not an end in itself. It is a picture of the relationship between Christ and His Church. The ultimate goal of marriage is to glorify God and to point people to the redemptive work of Christ.


The story of marriage in seven verses provides a powerful framework for understanding the purpose and significance of marriage. It highlights the importance of companionship, love, respect, mutual submission, raising godly children, physical intimacy, and ultimately, the glory of God.

As we navigate the challenges and joys of marriage, let us remember that God created marriage for our good and His glory. Let us seek to honor Him in our marriages by living out the principles of His Word and by pointing others to the redemptive work of Christ.

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