The Simple Prayer Our Songs Forgot: Rediscovering the Significance of Christ's Second Coming

The Simple Prayer Our Songs Forgot

The Simple Prayer Our Songs Forgot

Have you ever noticed that our churches don't sing about Christ's second coming as much as they used to? It's an interesting observation, and it makes me wonder why. In this article, we'll explore the reasons behind this shift in worship songs and consider the significance of Christ's return in our faith.

The Shift in Worship Songs

When comparing the most commonly sung congregational songs in the United States since the year 2000 to those published from 1730–1850, one striking difference emerges: a decrease in songs about Christ's second coming. While there are various factors contributing to this shift, one possible reason is the fear of embarrassment.

Speculating about the timing of Christ's return has led to numerous failed predictions and public ridicule. Jesus himself warned against this type of conjecture in Mark 13:32, and the apostle Paul emphasized the importance of preparation rather than speculation in Romans 13:11–12. However, Paul also disapproved of downplaying the believer's longing for Christ's second coming.

The Significance of Christ's Second Coming

Why is Christ's second coming important for believers today and in the future? Let's explore the reasons:

1. Ultimate Hope and Redemption

Christ's second coming represents our ultimate hope and redemption. Just as we celebrate Christmas as the first coming of Christ, we eagerly anticipate His second coming when He will make all things new (Revelation 21:5). It is a time of great joy and restoration, where pain, suffering, and sin will be no more.

2. Justice and Judgment

Christ's second coming also signifies justice and judgment. In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus speaks about separating the sheep from the goats, rewarding the righteous and punishing the wicked. This serves as a reminder that there will be a reckoning for our actions and choices in this life. It encourages us to live with righteousness and integrity, knowing that God sees all and will bring justice in the end.

3. Fulfillment of God's Promises

Throughout the Bible, we find numerous promises of God's faithfulness and His plan for the future. Christ's second coming is the fulfillment of these promises. As believers, we can find assurance and comfort in knowing that God's word is true, and He will bring to completion what He has started (Philippians 1:6). It gives us hope in the midst of uncertainty and reminds us that our present struggles are temporary.

The Need to Rekindle the Song

Considering the significance of Christ's second coming, it is essential for our worship songs to reflect this truth. While we may be cautious about making specific predictions or setting dates, we shouldn't shy away from expressing our longing and anticipation for Christ's return. Our songs should remind us of the hope, justice, and fulfillment that await us.

Imagine a world where our worship songs resonate with the joy and excitement of a child waiting for Christmas morning. Just as a child's anticipation builds as the day approaches, our hearts should overflow with eager expectation for the day when Christ will return. Our songs have the power to rekindle this longing within us and remind us of what is to come.

Let us not forget the simple prayer our songs have overlooked. Let us sing of Christ's second coming and the hope it brings. As we lift our voices in worship, may our songs echo the longing in our hearts, drawing us closer to the day when we will see our Savior face to face.

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