The Significance of Last Names: Reflections on Identity and Faith

A Last Name Says A Lot

Choosing a last name is a common practice for couples who get married. It’s a decision that many take lightly, but it’s more important than we realize. Your last name is your identity, it reflects your heritage, your roots, and your family. It’s a name that you will carry with you for the rest of your life, and it’s essential to make an informed decision about it.

In this article, we will explore the significance of last names and how they relate to our identity and faith.

The Importance of Names in the Bible

The Bible places a great deal of emphasis on names. In the Old Testament, names were given based on their meaning and were often prophetic. For instance, Isaac means “laughter,” and he was named that because Sarah laughed when God told her she would have a son despite her old age (Genesis 18:12-15).

In the New Testament, names reflect the character and mission of the person. For example, Jesus means “Savior,” and he was given that name because he came to save humanity from sin (Matthew 1:21).

Names in the Bible were not just a label; they represented a person’s identity and purpose. When someone’s name changed, it often signified a new stage in their life. For instance, Abram became Abraham, which means “father of many nations,” after God promised him that he would be the father of many nations (Genesis 17:5).

Therefore, choosing a name is not a trivial matter, especially for Christians who believe that names have spiritual significance. It’s a decision that should be taken seriously and prayerfully.

The Significance of Last Names

Last names, also known as surnames, are a relatively recent invention. They were introduced in Europe during the Middle Ages as a way to differentiate between people with the same first name. Before that, people only had one name, such as John or Mary.

Today, last names are an essential part of our identity. They are passed down from our parents and reflect our family history, traditions, and culture. They connect us to our ancestors and give us a sense of belonging.

For Christians, last names also represent our spiritual heritage. We are part of a larger family, the family of God, and our last name reflects that. It’s a reminder that we belong to a community of believers who share the same faith, values, and mission.

The Dilemma of Changing Last Names

When a couple gets married, they face the dilemma of whether to change their last names or not. Traditionally, women take their husband’s last name, but that’s no longer the norm. Many women choose to keep their maiden name, hyphenate their last name, or create a new last name.

Changing last names is a personal decision that depends on many factors. It’s not a decision that should be made lightly or based on societal norms. It’s a decision that should be made prayerfully, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

For Christians, changing last names can be a way to reflect their new identity in Christ. When we become followers of Jesus, we are born again and become part of a new family. Our old identity is gone, and we are given a new name (Revelation 2:17).

Therefore, changing last names can be a symbolic way to reflect our new identity in Christ and our commitment to our spouse.

The Case of Zoe Saldana and Marco Perego

Zoe Saldana, a famous actress, and her husband, Marco Perego, made headlines when they decided to take Zoe’s last name instead of Marco’s. Zoe was initially hesitant about the idea, fearing that it would emasculate Marco and go against societal norms.

However, Marco was resolute in his decision, saying that he didn’t care what others thought. For him, taking Zoe’s last name was a way to honor her and their family and reflect their unity.

While their decision may be unconventional, it reflects the importance of last names and the significance of unity in marriage. When a couple gets married, they become one flesh (Genesis 2:24), and their last name reflects that unity.

The Power of Names

Names have power. They can shape our identity, influence our behavior, and impact our future. The Bible is full of examples of how names have changed the course of history.

For instance, when God changed Abram’s name to Abraham, it was a prophetic declaration of his future as the father of many nations. When Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter, it was a declaration of his future as the rock on which the church would be built (Matthew 16:18).

Therefore, we should not underestimate the power of names, especially our last name. It’s a name that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives, and it’s essential to make an informed decision about it.


Choosing a last name is not a trivial matter. It’s a decision that reflects our identity, heritage, and faith. Last names connect us to our family history, our cultural traditions, and our spiritual heritage.

When a couple gets married, they face the dilemma of whether to change their last names or not. It’s a personal decision that should be made prayerfully, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Last names have power. They can shape our identity, influence our behavior, and impact our future. Therefore, it’s essential to make an informed decision about our last name and the legacy we want to leave behind.

As Christians, our last name reflects our spiritual identity and our commitment to Christ and our spouse. It’s a name that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives, and it’s essential to make it count.


  • Genesis 18:12-15

  • Matthew 1:21

  • Genesis 17:5

  • Revelation 2:17

  • Genesis 2:24

  • Matthew 16:18

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