The Remarkable Influence of Virtuous Women in America

The Remarkable Influence of Women in America

In today's society, we often discuss the empowerment of women and the various strategies employed to achieve it. But have we overlooked a key aspect of women's impact on society? In his classic book Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville argues that the remarkable prosperity and strength of the American people can mainly be attributed to the superiority of their women. Let's explore this idea further and consider its relevance in the year 2023 and beyond.

The Power of Virtuous Women

Tocqueville's assertion that the superiority of American women played a significant role in the nation's development may come as a surprise to some. However, his observations provide valuable insights into the importance of virtue and character in society. Rather than focusing on external factors or societal constructs, Tocqueville emphasizes the potency of women's virtue.

When we speak of virtue, we refer to a woman's moral excellence, integrity, and commitment to living according to God's standards. In the Bible, we find numerous examples of virtuous women who had a profound impact on their families, communities, and even entire nations. One such example is the Proverbs 31 woman, who is described as "more precious than rubies" (Proverbs 31:10). Her wisdom, industry, and devotion to her family are celebrated and admired.

As we consider the influence of virtuous women in America, it is essential to recognize that true power and strength come from a character shaped by God's Word. By embracing biblical values and living them out in their daily lives, women can be catalysts for positive change in their families and society at large.

A Counter-cultural Perspective

In a world that often measures success by external achievements or societal recognition, Tocqueville's perspective on the power of women may seem counter-cultural. However, it is precisely this counter-cultural aspect that makes it so relevant and impactful in today's society.

Consider the pressures women face in the modern world — the pressure to conform to societal expectations, to prioritize career over family, or to define success solely in terms of material possessions. Tocqueville's observation reminds us that true strength and influence do not stem from conforming to societal norms but from embracing a higher standard of virtue.

As women strive for empowerment in the year 2023 and beyond, let us encourage them to pursue true greatness by cultivating godly character and integrity. By doing so, they can inspire others and contribute to the flourishing of society.

The Role of Faith

Central to Tocqueville's observation is the recognition that the superiority of American women was not rooted in the strategies or techniques employed to empower them, but in their faith. Faith in God and the teachings of the Bible provided a foundation upon which women could build lives of virtue and influence.

In the Bible, we see how faith empowered women to rise above societal expectations and make a lasting impact. From the faith of Sarah, who believed in God's promises despite her old age, to the courage of Esther, who risked her life to save her people, these women drew strength from their relationship with God.

As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, women can find inspiration and guidance in the lives of these biblical women. By anchoring themselves in faith and seeking wisdom from the Scriptures, they can tap into a source of strength and resilience that transcends cultural trends.

Embracing the Power of Superior Women

So how can we embrace the power of superior women in the year 2023 and beyond? Here are a few practical steps:

  1. Nurture Virtue: Encourage women to prioritize character development and the cultivation of godly virtues. Provide resources and support systems that enable them to grow in wisdom, integrity, and love.

  2. Champion Biblical Values: Promote the importance of biblical values in society and encourage women to live out these values in their personal and professional lives. This includes embracing humility, selflessness, and a commitment to justice and mercy.

  3. Provide Mentoring and Role Models: Create opportunities for women to connect with mentors and role models who exemplify the power of virtue in their lives. These relationships can offer guidance, encouragement, and practical wisdom for navigating various spheres of influence.

  4. Equip Women: Offer educational opportunities and resources that empower women to develop their skills and talents. By investing in their personal and professional growth, we enable them to make a more significant impact in their communities.

  5. Celebrate Women's Contributions: Recognize and celebrate the contributions of women in all areas of life, including family, work, church, and society. By highlighting their achievements and affirming their value, we inspire other women to embrace their unique calling and potential.

By following these practical steps, we can create an environment that nurtures and celebrates the power of superior women in the year 2023 and beyond. Let us recognize that true empowerment comes from a life rooted in virtue, guided by faith, and dedicated to serving others.


The influence of women in America's development cannot be overstated. Alexis de Tocqueville's observation regarding the superiority of American women reminds us of the power and impact that virtue and faith can have in society. In the year 2023 and beyond, let us strive to empower women by nurturing their character, championing biblical values, and equipping them for their unique calling. By embracing the power of superior women, we contribute to a flourishing society built on godly principles.

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