The Purpose of Marriage: Self-Sacrifice and Commitment in a Selfish World

Your Marriage is Not About You

Marriage is a beautiful gift from God, but its purpose is often misunderstood. In today's society, marriage has become more about fulfilling personal desires and less about self-sacrifice. Many people enter into marriage thinking that it will bring them happiness and fulfillment, but they often find that their expectations are not met.

According to the Bible, marriage is a covenant between two people and God. In Ephesians 5:22-33, Paul explains that marriage is a representation of Christ's relationship with the church. Just as Christ sacrificed himself for the church, husbands are called to love their wives sacrificially, and wives are called to submit to their husbands.

The Selfishness of Modern Marriage

Modern society has created a culture of selfishness, where individual desires and wants are prioritized over the needs of others. This mindset has crept into our understanding of marriage, where many view their spouse as a means to an end, rather than as a partner in life.

Marriage is not a contract that can be ended when one party is no longer satisfied. It is a covenant that requires self-sacrifice and commitment. When two people enter into marriage, they are agreeing to love and serve one another, even when it is difficult.

Unfortunately, many people today view marriage as a way to fulfill their own desires and needs, rather than as an opportunity to serve and love their spouse. This mindset leads to a self-centered approach to marriage, where each spouse is focused on their own wants and needs, rather than the needs of their partner.

The Biblical View of Marriage

According to the Bible, marriage is a covenant between two people and God. In Ephesians 5:22-33, Paul explains that marriage is a representation of Christ's relationship with the church. Just as Christ sacrificed himself for the church, husbands are called to love their wives sacrificially, and wives are called to submit to their husbands.

God created marriage to be a union between a man and a woman, where they can serve and love one another. The purpose of marriage is not to fulfill personal desires, but rather to bring glory to God and to reflect his love for his people.

Self-Sacrifice in Marriage

Self-sacrifice is at the heart of a healthy and fulfilling marriage. When we focus on serving and loving our spouse, rather than on our own desires, we create a foundation for a strong and lasting relationship.

Self-sacrifice in marriage means putting the needs of our spouse before our own. It means loving them even when they are difficult to love, forgiving them when they hurt us, and serving them when they are in need.

Jesus is the ultimate example of self-sacrifice. He gave his life for us, even though we were undeserving of his love. In the same way, we are called to sacrificially love our spouse, even when it is difficult.

The Importance of Commitment

Commitment is a crucial component of a healthy marriage. When we make a commitment to our spouse, we are promising to love and serve them, even when it is hard.

Unfortunately, many people today view marriage as a temporary arrangement, rather than a lifelong commitment. This mindset leads to a lack of commitment in marriage, where couples are quick to give up when things get difficult.

Commitment means sticking with our spouse through the good times and the bad. It means working through problems and conflicts, rather than running away from them.


Marriage is not about fulfilling our own desires and needs. It is about sacrificially loving and serving our spouse, and reflecting God's love for his people.

Self-sacrifice and commitment are at the heart of a healthy and fulfilling marriage. When we focus on serving and loving our spouse, rather than on our own desires, we create a foundation for a strong and lasting relationship.

As Christians, we are called to love our spouse sacrificially, just as Christ loved the church. Let us strive to put the needs of our spouse before our own, and to commit ourselves to a lifetime of love and service.

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