The Power of God's Promises: Beholding Him in Our Difficulties

The Power of God's Promises: Beholding Him in Our Difficulties

Have you ever found yourself feeling discouraged and overwhelmed by the challenges and difficulties of life? Maybe you have faced loss, failure, or disappointment that has left you questioning God's promises. In those moments, it's easy to doubt that God's promises have any power or relevance to our lives. But the truth is, the promises of God are as strong and true as ever. The problem lies not with the promises themselves, but with our perception of God.

Often, we have unknowingly diminished God in our hearts and minds. We have forgotten the greatness of who He is and what He is capable of. We have lost sight of His power, wisdom, and tenderness. And it is in that loss of sight that the promises of God lose their power in our lives.

The prophet Isaiah speaks to a group of broken Israelites in Isaiah 40. The nation of Israel had once been a shining star, but now they were exiled and their hopes and dreams seemed buried. How could God fulfill His promises of an everlasting kingdom, a blessing to the world, and a serpent-crushing king when they were slaves in a foreign land?

We can relate to Israel's questions and doubts. When we face unwanted singleness, devastating failure, or deep loss, we may wonder how God can satisfy us, forgive us, or comfort us. In those moments, we need more than just to hear God's promises again. We need to behold the God who gives them.

Behold Your God: The God of Might

Isaiah 40:10 says, "Behold, the Lord God comes with might, and his arm rules for him." This verse reminds us to behold the God of might, who created the world by His word. When we feel overwhelmed by our problems, we must remember that the same God who said, "Let there be light," is the same God who can speak into our darkness and bring light.

Think about it. When God speaks, stars burn, planets lock into orbit, rivers run, and oceans fill the earth's floors. The grass may wither, and the flowers may fade, but the word of the God who made them will stand forever. Your problems may seem massive, but your God is mighty. His word will not fall to the ground, no matter how big our problems.

Behold Your God: The God of Wisdom

Isaiah 40:13 asks, "Who has measured the Spirit of the Lord, or what man shows him his counsel?" This verse reminds us to behold the God of wisdom, who makes a way in the wilderness. Just as Israel doubted that God could raise them up again, we may doubt that God can make a way for us in our difficult circumstances.

But we must remember that no trouble is too tangled for God to untie. No path is too twisted for Him to straighten. No heart is too shattered for Him to gather up and put back together. Your problems may be bewildering, but your God is wise. He sees you, He knows every detail of your trouble, and He knows how to come alongside you and make you rise up with wings like eagles.

Behold Your God: The God of Tenderness

Isaiah 40:11 says, "He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young." This verse reminds us to behold the God of tenderness, who carries His children home. When we are in the midst of agony and pain, we need to remember that God is not eager for us to be tormented and storm-tossed. He wants to comfort us and be the God of all comfort.

Just as a shepherd leaves the ninety-nine to find the lost and wandering one, God bends down, gathers us up in His arms, and carries us all the way home. Your problems may be agonizing, but your God is tender. Place all your fears and frailty before Him, and ask Him to quiet you with His love.

Every Valley Shall Be Filled

Seven hundred years after Isaiah spoke these words, John the Baptist picked them up and preached them in the wilderness. Luke 3:5-6 says, "Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low . . . and all flesh shall see the salvation of God." John's message was a reminder that no matter how deep the valleys and how high the mountains in our lives, God will make a way for His salvation to be seen.

John pointed to Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of God's promises. Jesus, the man of might, who bound hell's armies and brought heaven's kingdom. Jesus, the man of wisdom, who silenced the scribes and spoke the very words of God. Jesus, the man of tenderness, who healed the sick and heralded God's favor.

Jesus willingly laid down His life beneath the weight of our biggest problems. He carried our curse to the grave and rose again in the power of an indestructible life. Every promise from God now comes to us through Jesus Christ, the God with scars on His hands.

Your problems may be big, perhaps even bigger than you know. But your God is bigger, and His promises to you are stronger and surer. So, look up from your problems. Listen again to God's powerful, wise, and tender voice. Ask God to help you behold Him in all His greatness. He is the God of might, the God of wisdom, and the God of tenderness. And He is with you, ready to fulfill His promises in your life.
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