The Ostriches of Desolation: America's Wake-Up Call

The Land That Turns Women Into Ostriches

Have you ever wondered what God sees when He looks down at America? Does He see a land where ostriches roam? In Scripture, the presence of ostriches in the land signifies desolation. It represents a barren and uninhabited land, a land that has been leveled by judgment.

The Symbolism of Ostriches in Scripture

The ostriches mentioned in the Prophets serve as a powerful symbol. They are a sign of a land that has been forsaken by its inhabitants. Jeremiah 50:39 describes a desolate Babylon where wild beasts and ostriches dwell, with no people to be found for generations to come. This paints a picture of a land that has been abandoned and left to the wilderness.

Similarly, Isaiah 34:13 portrays the aftermath of God's vengeance on Edom. Thorns, nettles, and thistles grow over its strongholds, and it becomes a haunt for jackals and ostriches. This imagery emphasizes the desolation and emptiness that comes as a result of divine judgment.

A Land Marked by Judgment

When God looks down at America, what does He see? Does He see a land that has been forsaken and left desolate? In order to answer this question, we need to consider the state of our nation and the choices we have made.

Throughout history, God has used various means to bring judgment upon nations. He has allowed them to experience the consequences of their actions. In the Bible, we see examples of nations facing divine judgment due to their disobedience and rebellion against God's laws.

As we examine the current state of America, we cannot ignore the moral and spiritual decline that has taken place. Our nation has turned away from God's principles and embraced a culture that promotes immorality and rejects His authority. We have legalized practices that are contrary to God's design for human flourishing.

When a nation departs from God's ways, it opens itself up to the consequences of its actions. The Bible warns us of the consequences of forsaking God and His commandments. Proverbs 14:34 states, "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." When a nation embraces sin, it invites judgment upon itself.

A Wake-Up Call

God's judgment is not a sign of His indifference or lack of love. Rather, it is a wake-up call for us to turn back to Him. It is an invitation to repentance and a call to return to His ways. God desires that we acknowledge our sins, seek His forgiveness, and realign our lives with His truth.

When God looks down at America, He sees a land in need of repentance and revival. He sees a nation that has drifted far from His purposes and principles. But He also sees the potential for transformation and restoration.

The Hope of Restoration

While the presence of ostriches in Scripture signifies desolation, it is crucial to remember that God's judgment is always aimed at restoration. God's desire is not to destroy but to redeem. He longs to see His people turn back to Him and experience His forgiveness and restoration.

Isaiah 44:22 declares, "I have blotted out your transgressions like a cloud and your sins like mist; return to me, for I have redeemed you." This verse offers hope and assurance that God is ready and willing to forgive and restore those who turn to Him in repentance.

As Christians, we have a vital role to play in the restoration of our nation. We are called to be salt and light, to stand for righteousness and truth. We are called to pray for our nation, interceding for God's mercy and grace to be poured out.

The Call to Action

When God looks down at America, He sees a land in need of revival. He sees a nation that has lost its way and needs to be brought back to its foundations. As believers, we must take this call to action seriously.

We must examine our own lives and ensure that we are living in obedience to God's Word. We must repent of any sins or areas of compromise in our lives and seek God's forgiveness. We must be willing to stand for truth and righteousness, even when it is unpopular or goes against the prevailing culture.

Additionally, we must actively engage in the spiritual battle for our nation. This involves fervent prayer, seeking God's guidance, and speaking out against the moral and spiritual decay that we see around us. We must be willing to be a voice for the voiceless and stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.

A Future of Hope

As we look to the future, we can have hope that God is still in control. He is not surprised or caught off guard by the state of our nation. He has a plan and purpose for America, and He can bring about transformation and revival.

While the presence of ostriches may symbolize desolation, they also serve as a reminder that God's judgment is not the end. It is an opportunity for repentance and restoration. It is a call to turn back to Him and experience His abundant grace and mercy.

So, let us heed the warning that God's judgment brings. Let us take action and seek God's face. Let us be agents of change and revival in our land. And may we trust that God, who is faithful and just, will hear our prayers, forgive our sins, and heal our land.


  1. The Land That Turns Women Into Ostriches

  2. Jeremiah 50:39 (ESV)

  3. Isaiah 34:13 (ESV)

  4. Isaiah 13:19-22 (ESV)

  5. Proverbs 14:34 (ESV)

  6. Isaiah 44:22 (ESV)

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