The Making of a Modern Pharisee: Escaping Legalism & Embracing Grace in

The Making of a Modern Pharisee

We are all born legalists, but we can become modern-day Pharisees. Let's explore this concept and understand how it relates to our lives in 2023 and beyond.

The Legalist Within Us

As human beings, we naturally tend to believe that we can earn and deserve our way into heaven. This inherent legalistic mindset stems from a desire to control our destiny and secure our own salvation. However, this perspective fails to grasp the true essence of grace.

In his sermon, Charles Spurgeon once proclaimed, “Beloved, the legalist [within us] is a great deal older than the Christian. If I were a legalist today, I should be some fifteen or sixteen years older than I am as a Christian; for we are all born legalists.” This powerful statement reminds us that our legalistic tendencies are deeply ingrained and often surface before we fully embrace the grace of God.

The Danger of Legalism

Legalism blinds us to the awe-inspiring nature of grace. It leads us to believe that our own efforts and rule-keeping are the grounds for acceptance with God. This flawed mindset not only distorts our understanding of God's character but also undermines the true power of grace in our lives.

John Piper aptly defines legalism as "the conviction that law-keeping is the ground for our acceptance with God — a failure to be amazed at grace." When we become legalistic, we lose sight of the profound truth that it is God's unmerited favor, not our own works, that reconciles us to Him.

The Transformation into Pharisees

While legalism is a natural inclination, Phariseeism is a product of accumulated knowledge, morality, and religious practices. Pharisees are legalists who have become puffed up with self-righteousness. They may appear educated, clean, and alive outwardly, but internally, they are plagued by spiritual death.

Pharisees are often characterized by their rigid adherence to religious traditions and their judgmental attitudes towards others. Jesus himself rebuked the Pharisees for their hypocrisy and failure to grasp the true heart of God's law. In Matthew 23:27-28, Jesus says, "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness."

Escaping the Pharisaical Mindset

While the allure of legalism and Phariseeism can be strong, we must actively strive to break free from these chains and embrace the true freedom found in Christ. Here are some practical steps we can take:

1. Embrace the Marvel of Grace

Instead of relying on our own efforts, we need to immerse ourselves in the wonder of God's grace. This means accepting that we are undeserving of His love and forgiveness, yet He freely offers it to us. As Ephesians 2:8-9 states, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast." Let us be humbled by the magnitude of God's grace and allow it to transform our hearts.

2. Cultivate a Heart of Compassion

Pharisees often lack genuine compassion for others, as they are too focused on their own righteousness. However, Jesus calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:31). We must actively seek opportunities to show kindness, mercy, and empathy to those around us. By doing so, we break free from the self-centered mindset of the Pharisee and align ourselves with the heart of Christ.

3. Prioritize Relationship over Ritual

Pharisees place great emphasis on religious rituals and traditions, often neglecting the deeper purpose behind them. Jesus reminds us that it is not the external acts of religious observance that matter most, but rather the state of our hearts. In Matthew 9:13, Jesus says, "But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Let us prioritize cultivating a genuine relationship with God rather than getting caught up in empty rituals.

4. Guard Against Hypocrisy

One of the defining characteristics of Pharisees is their hypocrisy. They appear righteous on the outside but harbor wickedness within. To avoid falling into this trap, we must consistently examine our hearts and motives. Jesus urges us to be authentic in our faith and not to put on a show for others. In Luke 12:1, he warns, "Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy." Let us strive for integrity and transparency in our walk with God.

The Relevance of Phariseeism in 2023 and Beyond

While the Pharisees existed during Jesus' time on earth, their mindset and tendencies still persist today. In our modern society, it is easy to become ensnared in legalistic thinking and Pharisaical behavior.

As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, we must be vigilant in guarding against the allure of self-righteousness and judgmental attitudes. Our faith should be characterized by humility, grace, and a genuine love for others.

By understanding the roots of legalism and Phariseeism, we can actively combat these tendencies and embrace the transformative power of God's grace in our lives. Let us continually seek a deeper understanding of His character and strive to reflect His love and mercy to those around us.

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