The Legacy of One-Point Calvinism and the Rise of Casual Churchianity

The Legacy of One-Point Calvinism and Casual Churchianity

Do you ever wonder why Christian living in the New Testament feels so wonderfully serious, while so much contemporary Christianity seems obliviously playful by comparison? It seems that a significant portion of the Christian church today avoids the New Testament teaching that pursuing purity in this life is necessary for entrance into the next. Whether out of fear or ignorance, many Christians fail to grasp the importance of holiness in their journey towards eternal life.

In this article, we will delve into the legacy of one-point Calvinism and how it has contributed to the rise of casual churchianity. We will explore the misconceptions surrounding the concept of "once saved, always saved" and the implications it has had on the way Christians approach their faith.

Misunderstanding the One Point

Growing up, I was surrounded by millions of "one-point Calvinists" who misunderstood their one point: "once saved, always saved." This belief was often interpreted as a guarantee of salvation, regardless of one's actions or lifestyle. For example, if someone like Johnny asked Jesus into his heart at a young age but later strayed from the faith, lived a life of sin, and died in a tragic circumstance, it was believed that he would still be granted entry into heaven.

However, this interpretation misses the mark. The concept of "once saved, always saved" does not mean that a person can simply claim a moment of salvation and then live however they please without consequences. Instead, it emphasizes the assurance of salvation for those who have genuinely repented and put their faith in Jesus Christ. It is a promise that once we are truly saved, nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39), but it does not negate the importance of a transformed life and pursuit of holiness.

The Call to Pursue Purity

Contrary to the casual approach often seen in contemporary Christianity, the New Testament repeatedly emphasizes the need for believers to pursue purity and holiness. In 1 Peter 1:15-16, the apostle Peter writes, "But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, 'You shall be holy, for I am holy.'" This exhortation highlights the expectation that followers of Christ should strive to reflect the character of God in their daily lives.

Similarly, in Hebrews 12:14, we are urged to "strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord." This verse clearly states that holiness is a prerequisite for seeing the Lord and entering into His presence. It is not an optional extra or a suggestion, but a commandment for all believers.

Furthermore, Jesus Himself taught the importance of pursuing purity. In His Sermon on the Mount, He said, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8). This statement underscores the significance of inner purity and righteous living in the life of a believer.

The Danger of Casual Churchianity

The misinterpretation of "once saved, always saved" and the subsequent neglect of pursuing purity has given rise to a phenomenon known as casual churchianity. This term refers to a superficial and nonchalant approach to the Christian faith, where individuals claim to be saved but show little evidence of a transformed life.

Casual churchianity is characterized by a lack of concern for personal holiness, a disregard for biblical commands, and an emphasis on self-gratification rather than self-denial. It often manifests in a lukewarm attitude towards sin, a tolerance of worldly behaviors, and a failure to live out the radical teachings of Jesus.

This casual mindset not only diminishes the power and beauty of the gospel but also hinders the growth and impact of the church. It sends a confusing message to the world about what it means to be a follower of Christ and dilutes the transformative potential of the Christian message.

The Transformative Power of Holiness

As we examine the legacy of one-point Calvinism and casual churchianity, it becomes clear that pursuing purity and holiness is not an optional add-on to the Christian faith. It is an integral part of our journey towards eternal life and an essential aspect of our witness to the world.

Holiness is not a burdensome duty but a joyful response to the grace and love of God. It is a process of transformation, where the Holy Spirit works in us to conform us to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29). It is a journey of sanctification, where we cooperate with God's grace to grow in righteousness and become more like Him.

In our pursuit of purity, we are not alone. God has provided us with His Word, the Holy Spirit, and fellow believers to encourage and guide us. He has given us the example of Jesus, who lived a perfect and holy life, and the promise of His presence to empower us in our journey.

Living Out the New Testament Teaching

As we navigate the challenges and temptations of the modern world, it is crucial to embrace the New Testament teaching on pursuing purity and holiness. By immersing ourselves in the Word of God, cultivating a vibrant prayer life, and actively participating in the body of Christ, we can grow in our understanding and practice of holiness.

We must also be willing to examine our hearts and lives, identifying areas where we have compromised with the world and seeking God's forgiveness and transformation. It is through repentance and surrender to God's will that we can experience true freedom and the abundant life that Jesus promised.

Moreover, we must strive to be a light in the darkness, living out our faith in a way that challenges the casual churchianity prevalent in our culture. Through our words, actions, and attitudes, we can demonstrate the transformative power of holiness and draw others to Christ.


In conclusion, the legacy of one-point Calvinism and casual churchianity has had a profound impact on contemporary Christianity. By misunderstanding the concept of "once saved, always saved" and neglecting the pursuit of purity, many Christians have adopted a casual and superficial approach to their faith.

However, the New Testament teaching is clear: pursuing purity and holiness is not an option but a commandment for all believers. It is a necessary component of our journey towards eternal life and a vital aspect of our witness to the world.

Therefore, let us embrace the call to pursue purity, seeking God's grace and empowerment to live lives that reflect His character. Let us reject the allure of casual churchianity and instead strive for a vibrant and transformative faith that brings glory to God and draws others to Him.

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