The Future of Masculinity: Embracing Biblical Manhood

The Future of Masculinity: A Biblical Perspective

What does the future hold for masculinity? In a world where gender roles and identity are being redefined, how should we view and understand the role of men in society? As Christians, we must turn to the Bible to find answers to these questions.

First, we must acknowledge that masculinity, like femininity, is a good gift from God. In Genesis 1:27, we read that “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Both men and women are made in the image of God and are therefore equal in value and worth.

However, this does not mean that men and women are the same. In Genesis 2:18, God says, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” God created woman to be a helper to man, not a clone. This means that men and women have distinct roles and responsibilities in marriage, family, and society.

The Crisis of Masculinity

Today, there is a crisis of masculinity in the world. Men are being told that their natural inclinations towards strength, leadership, and assertiveness are toxic and harmful. They are being encouraged to embrace a more feminine identity and reject traditional notions of manhood.

This crisis has led to confusion and frustration among men. Many feel lost and unsure of their place in the world. They are searching for meaning and purpose, but are being told that their natural inclinations are wrong.

As Christians, we must offer a better way. We must embrace and celebrate the goodness of masculinity, while at the same time recognizing that sin has corrupted it. We must call men to repentance and faith in Christ, who alone can restore and renew their masculinity.

The Biblical Model of Masculinity

What does biblical masculinity look like? The Bible gives us several examples of godly men who lived out their masculinity in faithful and courageous ways.


Adam, the first man, was created to be a leader and protector. He was given the responsibility of caring for the garden of Eden and naming the animals. When Eve was deceived by the serpent and ate the forbidden fruit, Adam failed to protect her and instead followed her in sin. However, he repented and trusted in God’s provision for redemption.


Noah was a righteous man who built an ark in obedience to God’s command. He led his family through the flood and was faithful to God even in the face of ridicule and opposition.


Abraham was a man of faith who obeyed God’s call to leave his homeland and go to a new land that God would show him. He trusted God’s promise to make him a great nation, even though he and his wife were childless. He demonstrated his faith by being willing to sacrifice his son Isaac, showing his willingness to obey God even when it was difficult.


David was a man after God’s own heart. He was a skilled warrior and leader who defeated Goliath and united the nation of Israel. He was also a man of deep faith and repentance, as seen in his psalms and prayers.

These men, and many others in the Bible, exemplify the biblical model of masculinity. They were leaders, protectors, and providers who were faithful to God and his commands.

The Gospel and Masculinity

Ultimately, the solution to the crisis of masculinity is found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel offers forgiveness and redemption for sin, including the sin of toxic masculinity. It also offers a new identity and purpose for men, as they are reconciled to God and given a new mission in life.

Through the gospel, men can embrace their God-given masculinity without falling into the traps of pride or domination. They can lead and serve in their families and communities, using their strength and gifts for the glory of God and the good of others.

Practical Applications

So, what does this look like in practice? Here are a few practical applications for embracing biblical masculinity:

1. Lead with humility

Godly masculinity is characterized by humility and service. Men should not seek to dominate or control others, but to lead with love and humility, following the example of Christ.

2. Protect and provide

Men have a responsibility to protect and provide for their families and communities. This means being willing to sacrifice their own comfort and desires for the sake of others.

3. Pursue godliness

Men should strive to be men of godly character, pursuing holiness and righteousness in all areas of life. This includes being faithful in prayer, studying God’s word, and living in obedience to his commands.

4. Mentor and disciple

Men should seek to mentor and disciple other men, helping them to grow in their faith and become godly leaders in their own families and communities.


The future of masculinity is uncertain, but as Christians, we have a sure foundation in the word of God. We must embrace and celebrate the goodness of masculinity, while at the same time recognizing the ways in which sin has corrupted it. We must call men to repentance and faith in Christ, who alone can restore and renew their masculinity.

Through the gospel, men can embrace their God-given masculinity and use their strength and gifts for the glory of God and the good of others. Let us strive to be men of godly character and faithful leaders in our families and communities, following the example of Christ who came not to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many.

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