The Extraordinary Power of Ordinary Devotions: Encountering God in the Everyday

The Extraordinary Power of Ordinary Devotions

Have you ever felt disappointed after a time of reading your Bible? You woke up early, eager to meet with God, but as you read the words on the page, nothing seemed to jump out at you. It felt like just another ordinary day. But what if I told you that even in those seemingly ordinary moments, something extraordinary is happening?

Encountering God in the Ordinary

As Christians, our goal is not just to read our Bibles, but to be transformed by them. We want to experience God's presence, to be inspired and moved by what we read. And sometimes, that transformation happens in the most unexpected ways.

Think about the disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). They were walking along, disappointed and confused after Jesus' crucifixion. Little did they know that the ordinary traveler who joined them was actually the resurrected Jesus himself. It wasn't until later, when Jesus broke bread with them, that their eyes were opened and they recognized him.

Just like those disciples, we may have moments of blindness to the glory that is right in front of us. We may read our Bibles day after day, without experiencing any fireworks. But that doesn't mean that God is absent or that our devotions are in vain. In fact, it is often in the ordinary, mundane moments that God does some of his greatest work.

The Living Word of God

The Bible is not just any book; it is the living, active, and inspired word of God. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that "the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart."

When we read the Bible, we are not simply reading words on a page. We are encountering the very presence of God. Just as the disciples on the road to Emmaus had their hearts burn within them as Jesus explained the Scriptures to them, our hearts can be set ablaze as we engage with God's word.

So even when our devotional times feel ordinary, we can trust that God is at work. We may not always see immediate results, but the word of God is powerful and transformative. It has the power to shape our thoughts, desires, and actions, even if we don't feel it in the moment.

Rejoicing in the Ordinary

1 Peter 1:8 tells us to "rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory" as we encounter Christ. But what does that look like in the context of ordinary devotions?

Imagine a bee gathering honey from flowers. The bee diligently goes from flower to flower, collecting nectar and transforming it into sweet honey. Each flower may seem ordinary on its own, but when combined, they create something extraordinary. In the same way, our daily encounters with God's word may seem ordinary, but when we faithfully engage with it day after day, it produces something beautiful and sweet in our lives.

Ordinary devotions may not always feel exciting or glamorous, but they are a vital part of our spiritual growth. It is in those moments of quiet, consistent engagement with God's word that he shapes us and molds us into the image of Christ.

Embracing the Journey

Devotions are not a one-time event or a quick fix for our spiritual needs. They are a lifelong journey of seeking and encountering God. Just as a marathon runner trains day after day, mile after mile, to build endurance and strength, we too must commit to the discipline of daily devotions.

It's easy to get discouraged when our devotional times feel ordinary, but let's remember that God is not bound by our feelings or circumstances. He is always at work, even in the seemingly mundane moments. So let's embrace the journey, trusting that God is using our ordinary devotions to shape us and draw us closer to him.


In a world that constantly seeks the extraordinary, let us not overlook the power of the ordinary. Our daily devotions may not always feel exciting or life-changing, but they are an essential part of our spiritual growth. As we faithfully engage with God's word, even in the seemingly ordinary moments, we can trust that he is at work, transforming us from the inside out.

So let's not be discouraged by ordinary devotions. Instead, let's approach them with anticipation and expectation, knowing that God's word is living and active. Let's rejoice in the ordinary and embrace the journey, confident that God is using our daily encounters with him to shape us and draw us closer to him.

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