The Everyday Question of Motherhood: Will I Sacrifice?

The Everyday Question of Motherhood

The Everyday Question of Motherhood

As a mother, there is a constant, uncomfortable battle that rages inside of me. It is not the big or dramatic: Will I raise my children to love God? Will I train them to obey him? Do my children belong to him?

The constant battle of motherhood is more subtle, more everyday, more hideable. At the center is one question: Will I sacrifice? Or as Oswald Chambers poses in My Utmost for His Highest. "[Am I] willing to spend and be spent; not seeking to be ministered unto, but to minister?"

The Everyday Question isn't answered one time, with the birth of a child, with the planning of school, or with the decision to discipline. This question — Will I sacrifice? — is answered every day.

It's answered when a child wakes early with a need, interrupting my quiet hour alone with the Lord.

It's answered when a sick child keeps me from worship and adult interaction at church on Sunday mornings.

It's answered when I am emotional and exhausted, yet I choose to listen and comfort my child instead of seeking my own comfort.

The Bible encourages us to sacrificially love and serve our children. In Ephesians 6:4, it says, "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." This verse reminds us that our role as parents is not just to provide for our children's physical needs but also to guide them in the ways of the Lord.

Jesus himself set the example of sacrificial love. In Mark 10:45, he says, "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Just as Jesus gave his life for us, we are called to give our lives for our children.

The Importance of Sacrifice

Sacrifice is not always easy. It requires us to put aside our own desires and needs for the sake of our children. But the rewards of sacrifice are immeasurable.

When we sacrificially love our children, we show them the love of Christ. We teach them about selflessness, compassion, and the value of putting others first. Our sacrifice helps shape their character and prepares them to become loving, sacrificial adults in the future.

Furthermore, sacrificing for our children strengthens our relationship with God. It deepens our dependence on him and reminds us of our need for his grace and strength. Through our sacrificial acts, we grow in our faith and experience the joy of serving and ministering to others.

Practical Ways to Sacrifice

While the everyday question of motherhood may seem daunting, there are practical ways we can sacrificially love our children.

1. Prioritize Time with God

Start each day by spending time with God in prayer and reading his Word. This will help you align your heart with his and give you the strength and wisdom you need to sacrificially love your children.

2. Be Present

Put down your phone, turn off the TV, and be fully present with your children. Give them your undivided attention and actively listen to what they have to say. Show them that they are valued and loved.

3. Serve and Meet Their Needs

Look for opportunities to serve your children and meet their needs. Whether it's preparing their favorite meal, helping them with homework, or simply giving them a hug, these acts of service communicate love and sacrifice.

4. Discipline with Love

Discipline is an essential part of parenting, but it should always be done with love and grace. Use discipline as a teaching tool to guide your children toward God's truth and help them develop self-control and character.

5. Pray for Your Children

Prayer is a powerful way to sacrificially love your children. Lift them up to God, asking for his guidance, protection, and blessing in their lives. Pray that they will grow in their faith and become godly men and women.

The Rewards of Sacrifice

While sacrifice may require us to give up certain things in the short term, the rewards are far greater. Through sacrificial love, we not only impact our children's lives but also experience personal growth and spiritual transformation.

Our sacrificial acts of love leave a lasting imprint on our children's hearts. They see the value of selflessness and learn to appreciate the sacrifices others make for them. As they grow older, they will carry these lessons with them and pass them on to future generations.

Additionally, sacrificing for our children strengthens our relationship with God. It deepens our faith, draws us closer to him, and allows us to experience his love and provision in new and profound ways. Our sacrifice becomes an act of worship and a testimony to God's faithfulness.


Motherhood is a constant battle of sacrifice. It requires us to lay down our own desires and needs for the sake of our children. But in this sacrifice, we find the true joy and fulfillment that comes from serving and loving others.

As mothers, let us embrace the everyday question of motherhood: "Will I sacrifice?" Let us answer this question with a resounding "Yes!" and trust that God will equip us with the strength and grace we need to sacrificially love our children.

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