The Discipline That Pleases God: Seeking Godly Discipline for Lasting Transformation

The Discipline That Displeases God

Discipline is a quality that many of us admire and aspire to have. We recognize its importance in achieving our goals and living a fulfilling life. However, developing and maintaining discipline is often a challenging task. We may desire to be disciplined, but find it difficult to put in the consistent effort required.

As we approach the end of the year and think about resolutions for the coming year, it is worth considering the role of discipline in our lives. Many of our resolutions involve some form of discipline, such as losing weight, improving relationships, breaking bad habits, or developing spiritual practices.

However, we must be cautious in our pursuit of discipline. The Bible warns us that there is a type of discipline that displeases God. In Proverbs 1:28, it says, "They will call upon me, but I will not answer; they will seek me diligently but will not find me." This verse suggests that there is a form of discipline that offends God, despite our sincere efforts.

The Danger of Ungodly Discipline

What exactly is "ungodly discipline"? It is a type of discipline that is focused solely on our own efforts and achievements, without acknowledging our need for God. It is a discipline that relies on our own strength and wisdom, rather than seeking guidance and empowerment from the Holy Spirit.

Ungodly discipline may involve rigorous self-control, strict routines, and relentless pursuit of goals. It may appear admirable and commendable in the eyes of the world, but it lacks the essential element of surrender to God's will. It is a discipline that seeks to glorify self rather than God.

As Christians, our discipline should be rooted in our relationship with God. We are called to seek God's will and rely on His strength to accomplish what He has called us to do. Psalm 37:5 says, "Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act." When we commit our ways to God and trust in Him, He promises to guide and empower us.

The Discipline God Desires

So, what does godly discipline look like? It is a discipline that is centered on God and His purposes. It is a discipline that acknowledges our dependence on Him and seeks His guidance and empowerment. It is a discipline that aligns our desires and actions with God's will.

Godly discipline involves daily surrender to God, seeking His wisdom through prayer and studying His Word, and relying on the Holy Spirit to transform us from within. It is a discipline that recognizes our limitations and relies on God's unlimited power to accomplish His purposes through us.

Hebrews 12:11 reminds us of the purpose and outcome of godly discipline, saying, "For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it." While godly discipline may be challenging and uncomfortable in the moment, it produces lasting fruit that brings peace and righteousness.

Practicing Godly Discipline

Practicing godly discipline requires a shift in our mindset and approach. Instead of relying solely on our own efforts, we must surrender to God and invite Him to work in and through us. We must align our goals and desires with His will, seeking His guidance in every area of our lives.

Here are a few practical steps to cultivate godly discipline:

1. Seek God's Will

Take time to seek God's will for your life. Spend time in prayer and study of His Word, asking for guidance and wisdom. Surrender your plans and desires to Him, trusting that He knows what is best for you.

2. Depend on the Holy Spirit

Recognize your need for the Holy Spirit's guidance and empowerment. Invite the Holy Spirit to work in and through you, empowering you to live a disciplined life that honors God.

3. Set Godly Goals

Set goals that align with God's purposes for your life. Seek to grow in your relationship with Him, develop Christlike character, and serve others. Let your goals be motivated by love for God and others, rather than self-centered ambitions.

4. Practice Daily Surrender

Make a daily commitment to surrender your will to God. Seek His guidance and strength in every decision and action. Trust that He will lead you on the path of righteousness.

5. Embrace God's Grace

Remember that godly discipline is not about earning God's favor or proving our worth. It is a response to His grace and a way to grow in our love and devotion to Him. Embrace His grace and allow it to transform your heart and actions.


In our pursuit of discipline, let us be mindful of the type of discipline that pleases God. Let us seek godly discipline that is rooted in our relationship with Him, relying on His wisdom and strength. May our discipline be a reflection of our love and devotion to God, bringing glory to His name and producing lasting fruit in our lives.

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