The Biblical View of Work: Why God Loves Hard Work and How to Overcome its Challenges Through Faith

God Still Loves Hard Work

Work is a fundamental aspect of human life. From the beginning of time, God ordained work as a way for humans to exercise dominion over the earth and provide for themselves and their families. However, our relationship with work has become complicated over time. We often view work as a necessary evil, something we must endure to survive. But is that how God intended us to view work?

In this article, we will explore the biblical view of work and why God still loves hard work. We will see that work is not just a means of survival but a way to glorify God and serve others. We will also look at the challenges of work in a fallen world and how we can overcome them through faith in Christ.

The Biblical View of Work

The Bible has a lot to say about work. In fact, work is mentioned over 800 times in the Bible. From the creation account in Genesis to the teachings of Jesus, the Bible presents work as a central part of human life and something that is pleasing to God.

In the creation account, we see that God worked for six days to create the heavens and the earth. On the seventh day, he rested, not because he was tired but to set an example for us to follow (Genesis 2:2-3). God also gave Adam and Eve the task of tending the garden of Eden, which was their job before the fall (Genesis 2:15).

After the fall, work became more difficult, but it remained an essential part of human life. God told Adam that he would have to work hard to provide for his family (Genesis 3:17-19). Throughout the Old Testament, we see that God honored hard work and provided for those who labored diligently (Proverbs 14:23; Proverbs 21:5).

In the New Testament, we see that Jesus himself was a carpenter and worked with his hands (Mark 6:3). He also taught his disciples to work hard and use their talents to serve others (Matthew 25:14-30). Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament, was a tentmaker and supported himself through his work (Acts 18:3; 1 Thessalonians 2:9).

From these passages and many others, we see that work is not just a necessary evil but a way to serve God and others. When we work hard and use our talents to the best of our ability, we glorify God and fulfill his purpose for our lives.

Why God Loves Hard Work

God loves hard work because it reflects his own character. God is a God of order and purpose, and he created the universe with intentionality and precision. When we work hard and do our jobs with excellence, we reflect God's character and bring glory to him.

Hard work also serves others and meets their needs. When we work hard, we provide for our families, contribute to society, and help those in need. As Paul wrote, "Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need" (Ephesians 4:28).

Furthermore, hard work is a way to grow in character and develop perseverance. When we face challenges and obstacles in our work, we have the opportunity to trust in God and rely on his strength. As James wrote, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing" (James 1:2-4).

In short, God loves hard work because it reflects his character, serves others, and helps us grow in faith and perseverance.

The Challenges of Work in a Fallen World

While work is a fundamental aspect of human life, it is not always easy. In a fallen world, work is often difficult, frustrating, and unfulfilling. We face obstacles, setbacks, and disappointments that can make us question the value of our work.

One of the main challenges of work in a fallen world is the curse of sin. Because of sin, work is often accompanied by pain, toil, and frustration (Genesis 3:17-19). We may experience physical or mental exhaustion, burnout, or stress. We may encounter difficult coworkers or bosses, or feel like we are not making a meaningful contribution to society.

Another challenge of work is the temptation to idolize it. We may become so focused on our work that we neglect our relationships with God and others. We may derive our identity and self-worth from our job title or salary, rather than from our status as children of God.

Finally, work can also become a source of temptation and sin. We may be tempted to cheat, lie, or steal in order to get ahead. We may struggle with pride, envy, or selfish ambition, which can lead to conflict and division in the workplace.

Overcoming the Challenges of Work Through Faith in Christ

While work in a fallen world can be difficult, we can overcome the challenges through faith in Christ. Here are some practical steps we can take:

1. Remember that our ultimate purpose is to glorify God.

When we view our work as a way to glorify God, we can find meaning and purpose in even the most mundane tasks. We can seek to honor God in our work by doing it with excellence, integrity, and humility.

2. Trust in God's provision and sovereignty.

When we trust in God's provision and sovereignty, we can have peace and contentment in our work, even when it is difficult. We can trust that God will provide for our needs and use our work for his purposes.

3. Seek wise counsel and accountability.

We should seek wise counsel and accountability from other believers in our workplace. They can provide encouragement, support, and guidance when we face challenges or temptations.

4. Guard against idolatry and temptation.

We should guard against idolatry and temptation by keeping our focus on God and his kingdom. We can resist temptation by relying on the power of the Holy Spirit and by memorizing and meditating on Scripture.

5. Pray for God's guidance and strength.

We should pray for God's guidance and strength in our work. We can ask him to give us wisdom, discernment, and perseverance to overcome the challenges we face.


In conclusion, God loves hard work because it reflects his character, serves others, and helps us grow in faith and perseverance. While work in a fallen world can be difficult, we can overcome the challenges through faith in Christ. By remembering our ultimate purpose, trusting in God's provision, seeking wise counsel, guarding against idolatry and temptation, and praying for God's guidance and strength, we can honor God in our work and find joy and fulfillment in it.

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