The Beauty and Power of Purity: Pursuing God's Design for Sex and Relationships

What I Wish I Had Known About Purity

As I look back on my life, I realize that growing up in a culture that glorified sexual freedom and experimentation, I wish I had known more about the beauty and power of purity. I wish I had understood the true nature of sex and the consequences of impurity.

It wasn't until later in my life that I discovered the truths about purity and how they could have impacted my life had I known them earlier. I want to share these truths with you, so that you can avoid the mistakes that I made and embrace the beauty of purity.

The True Nature of Sex

Sex is a beautiful gift from God, designed to be enjoyed within the context of marriage. It is a physical expression of the covenantal love between a man and a woman and is intended to be a source of joy and intimacy in marriage.

However, society has distorted the true nature of sex, reducing it to a mere physical act that can be indulged in without consequences. This lie has led many to believe that sex is just another form of recreation, like playing a game or watching a movie. This could not be further from the truth.

Sex is a powerful force that can have both positive and negative consequences. When enjoyed within the context of marriage, it can strengthen the bond between a husband and wife and bring them closer together. When engaged in outside of marriage, it can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and regret, and can even lead to physical and emotional harm.

The Consequences of Impurity

Impurity has many consequences, both physical and emotional. Sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, and emotional scars are just a few of the physical consequences that can result from impurity.

Emotionally, impurity can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and regret. It can cause us to feel unworthy of love and can damage our ability to trust others. It can also lead to a distorted view of sex, reducing it to a mere physical act rather than the beautiful gift that it is.

Furthermore, impurity can also have spiritual consequences. The Bible tells us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). When we engage in impurity, we are defiling the temple of the Holy Spirit and grieving the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30).

The Beauty of Purity

While impurity has many negative consequences, purity has many positive benefits. First and foremost, purity honors God. It is a reflection of our commitment to obeying His commands and living a life that honors Him.

Secondly, purity strengthens our relationships with others. When we choose to wait until marriage to engage in sexual activity, we are communicating to our future spouse that we value them and are willing to wait for them. This can strengthen the bond between a husband and wife and build a foundation of trust and commitment.

Finally, purity protects us from the negative consequences of impurity. By choosing to remain pure, we are safeguarding our physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Practical Steps Towards Purity

So, how can we pursue purity in a culture that glorifies impurity? Here are a few practical steps that we can take:

1. Guard Your Heart and Mind

Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard our hearts, for everything we do flows from it. This means being intentional about what we expose ourselves to, both physically and mentally. We should avoid movies, music, and other media that glorify impurity and instead focus on things that uplift and encourage us to pursue purity.

2. Surround Yourself with Like-Minded People

1 Corinthians 15:33 tells us that bad company corrupts good character. Surrounding ourselves with people who share our commitment to purity can help us stay accountable and encourage us to remain steadfast in our pursuit of purity.

3. Pursue a Relationship with God

As we draw closer to God, He will give us the strength and wisdom to resist temptation and pursue purity. Spending time in prayer, reading the Bible, and participating in a community of believers can all help us grow in our relationship with God and pursue purity.

4. Set Boundaries

Setting physical and emotional boundaries can help us avoid situations that could lead to impurity. This may mean avoiding being alone with someone of the opposite sex, setting limits on physical affection, or being intentional about the types of conversations we have with others.

5. Pursue Healing

If you have engaged in impurity in the past, know that there is healing and forgiveness available to you through Christ. Confess your sin to God, seek accountability and support from others, and pursue counseling or other resources that can help you find healing and move forward in purity.


Purity is a beautiful gift from God that honors Him, protects us from harm, and strengthens our relationships with others. While pursuing purity in a culture that glorifies impurity may be challenging, it is possible with God's help and the support of like-minded believers.

Remember that the pursuit of purity is not just about avoiding impurity, but about embracing the beauty and power of God's design for sex and relationships. By pursuing purity, we are living out our commitment to honoring God and living a life that reflects His love and grace.

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