The Battle for Sexual Purity: Listening to the Right Voice

The Battle for Sexual Purity: The Importance of Listening to the Right Voice

Sexual purity is a topic that is often discussed in Christian circles, and for good reason. In a world where sexual immorality is rampant, it is crucial for believers to strive for purity in their thoughts and actions. However, the battle for sexual purity is not just about avoiding certain behaviors or actions. It is a battle of the mind and the heart. It is a battle of voices.

The Two Voices

As Christians, we are constantly bombarded with messages from the world that contradict the teachings of Scripture. The world tells us that sexual pleasure is the ultimate goal, and that we should do whatever we want as long as it feels good. In contrast, the Bible teaches that sex is a gift from God, to be enjoyed within the context of marriage.

There are two voices that vie for our attention when it comes to sexual purity. The first voice is the voice of the world, which tells us that sexual immorality is normal and acceptable. This voice is loud, and it is constantly trying to lure us away from God's plan for our lives.

The second voice is the voice of God, which is found in Scripture. This voice is often quiet, and it requires intentional effort to hear it. However, it is the only voice that can lead us to true fulfillment and joy.

The Importance of Listening to the Right Voice

Proverbs 2:1-5 tells us that if we listen to the voice of God and treasure his commandments within our hearts, we will gain wisdom and understanding. This wisdom and understanding will help us to resist the temptations of the world and to remain pure in our thoughts and actions.

However, if we listen to the voice of the world and follow its teachings, we will fall into the trap of sexual immorality. This trap leads to shame, guilt, and broken relationships.

Listening to the voice of God requires intentional effort. We must make a conscious decision to spend time in prayer, reading the Bible, and seeking wise counsel from other believers. We must also be willing to surrender our desires and our will to God, trusting that his plan for our lives is far better than anything the world has to offer.

The Morning Before a Sexual Fall

One of the most crucial times in the battle for sexual purity is the morning. What we do in the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. If we start the day by listening to the voice of God, we are more likely to remain pure in our thoughts and actions throughout the day.

On the other hand, if we start the day by listening to the voice of the world, we are more likely to fall into the trap of sexual immorality. This is why it is so important to start each day by spending time with God.

Here are a few practical steps that can help us to start the day off on the right foot:

1. Pray

Begin the day by praying and surrendering your desires and your will to God. Ask him to guide you throughout the day and to help you resist the temptations of the world. Pray for strength and wisdom to make wise choices.

2. Read the Bible

Spend time reading the Bible and meditating on its teachings. Choose a passage that speaks to you and reflect on its meaning. Allow the Word of God to shape your thoughts and actions throughout the day.

3. Listen to Worship Music

Listen to worship music that focuses on the goodness of God and his love for us. This can help to shift our focus away from the world and onto God.

4. Avoid Triggering Content

Avoid content that might trigger impure thoughts or desires. This might mean avoiding certain websites, social media platforms, or TV shows. Be intentional about what you allow into your mind.

5. Seek Accountability

Find an accountability partner who can help you stay on track. This might be a trusted friend, a mentor, or a pastor. Be honest and transparent with them about your struggles and ask for their support and encouragement.


The battle for sexual purity is not an easy one. It requires intentional effort and a willingness to listen to the voice of God over the voice of the world. However, the reward for remaining pure is far greater than any temporary pleasure the world can offer. As we start each day by listening to the voice of God, we can trust that he will guide us and strengthen us throughout the day.

Let us remember the words of 1 Corinthians 10:13: "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."

As we face the temptations of the world, may we trust in God's faithfulness and seek his guidance. May we listen to the voice of God and remain pure in our thoughts and actions.

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