The Abundant Goodness of God for Those Who Fear Him

The Goodness of God for Those Who Fear Him

Psalm 31:19 proclaims the abundant goodness of the Lord that is specifically stored up for those who fear Him and take refuge in Him. This verse highlights two important truths that we need to understand and embrace. First, there is a peculiar goodness of God that is reserved for those who fear Him. Second, the fear of the Lord is not an oppressive or terrifying fear, but rather a fear of straying from Him, which leads us to take refuge in Him. Let's dive deeper into these truths and explore their significance in our lives.

The Peculiar Goodness of God

God's goodness is not limited to His general goodness that is displayed to all people. While it is true that God causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, His peculiar goodness is reserved for those who fear Him (Matthew 5:45). This goodness is abundant beyond measure. It is boundless, everlasting, and encompasses every aspect of our lives. When we fear the Lord, everything works together for our good (Romans 8:28). Even in our pains and trials, God's goodness shines through, bringing about spiritual growth and transformation (Romans 5:3-5).

On the other hand, for those who do not fear the Lord, they receive a temporary goodness. Romans 2:4-5 describes this kindness and forbearance of God as leading them to repentance. However, if they persist in their hardness of heart and refusal to repent, they store up wrath for themselves on the day of judgment. This reveals the distinction between the goodness of God for those who fear Him and the temporary goodness experienced by those who reject Him. The goodness of God is not meant to enable sin and rebellion, but rather to lead us to repentance and a deeper relationship with Him.

The Fear of the Lord

The fear of the Lord is not a paralyzing or crippling fear. It is not the fear of punishment or condemnation, but rather a fear of straying from God and His ways. It is a reverential awe and deep respect for His holiness and righteousness. This fear expresses itself in taking refuge in God, recognizing that apart from Him, we are lost and vulnerable. Psalm 31:19 highlights the importance of both fearing the Lord and taking refuge in Him.

At first glance, fearing the Lord and taking refuge in Him may seem like contradictory actions. However, when we understand that the fear of the Lord is a fear of straying from Him, we realize that these two actions go hand in hand. The fear of the Lord drives us to seek refuge in Him, to find safety and security in His presence. It is like a child trembling in the arms of a loving father who has just rescued them from danger. This trembling is not a trembling of terror, but a trembling of gratefulness and trust in the Father's care.

Cherishing God's Goodness and Taking Refuge

In light of the abundant goodness of the Lord, it is essential for us to cultivate a deep reverence and fear of Him. We should cherish His goodness and recognize that it is reserved for those who fear Him. This means living our lives in alignment with His will, seeking to please Him in all that we do. It means fleeing from sin and taking refuge in Him, finding our strength and security in His presence.

As we take refuge in God, we experience His goodness in a profound way. He works on our behalf, bringing about blessings and provisions that surpass our expectations. But it all starts with the fear of the Lord and a willingness to surrender our lives to Him. When we fear the Lord and take refuge in Him, we position ourselves to receive His abundant goodness.

References from the Bible

The Bible is filled with references to the goodness of God and the fear of the Lord. Psalm 34:8 declares, "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." This verse echoes the sentiment of Psalm 31:19, emphasizing the connection between experiencing God's goodness and finding refuge in Him.

Proverbs 9:10 says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight." The fear of the Lord is not only a prerequisite for experiencing God's goodness, but it is also the foundation of true wisdom and understanding. When we fear the Lord, we gain a deep knowledge of His character and ways, which leads to a life of wisdom and discernment.

In Psalm 111:10, we read, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!" This verse reinforces the idea that the fear of the Lord is not a one-time event, but an ongoing practice in our lives. As we continue to fear the Lord and take refuge in Him, we grow in our understanding of His goodness and faithfulness.


The goodness of God is abundant and overflowing, reserved for those who fear Him and take refuge in Him. This goodness goes beyond the temporary blessings experienced by those who reject Him. It is a goodness that encompasses every aspect of our lives and works together for our ultimate good. As we cultivate a reverential fear of the Lord and seek refuge in Him, we position ourselves to receive His abundant goodness. So, let us cherish His goodness, fear straying from Him, and find our refuge in His loving arms.
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