Teen Smartphone Use: Weighing the Risks and Benefits for Christian Families

Should Teens Own Smartphones?

Technology is advancing fast, and smartphones are becoming more and more prevalent in our society. It is hard to imagine life without them, and they are being used by almost everyone, including teenagers. Smartphones are a great way to stay connected, access information, and entertain oneself, but they also come with certain risks. As a result, parents are faced with the question of whether or not their teens should own smartphones.

The Risks of Teen Smartphone Use

Smartphones can be a great source of entertainment and information, but they can also be a source of danger for teenagers. Here are some of the risks associated with teen smartphone use:

  • Exposure to Inappropriate Content: Smartphones give teenagers access to the internet, where they can access inappropriate content that can negatively impact their values and beliefs.

  • Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is a growing concern among teenagers, and smartphones can make it easier for bullies to target their victims.

  • Distraction from Schoolwork: Smartphones can be a major distraction for teenagers, leading to decreased productivity and lower academic performance.

  • Exposure to Online Predators: Teenagers who use smartphones are at risk of being targeted by online predators who may pose as someone they are not.

  • Impact on Mental Health: Studies have shown that smartphone use can have a negative impact on mental health, leading to increased anxiety and depression.

What the Bible Says About Technology Use

The Bible does not specifically address the use of technology, as it was written long before the invention of smartphones. However, there are principles in the Bible that can be applied to technology use.

One principle is found in 1 Corinthians 10:31, which says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” This verse reminds us that everything we do should be done for God’s glory. When it comes to technology use, we should ask ourselves if our use of technology is honoring to God.

Another principle is found in Ephesians 5:15-16, which says, “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” This verse encourages us to be wise in how we live and to make the most of every opportunity. When it comes to technology use, we should use it wisely and make the most of the opportunities it provides.

The Benefits of Teen Smartphone Use

While there are certainly risks associated with teen smartphone use, there are also benefits. Here are some of the benefits of teen smartphone use:

  • Staying Connected: Smartphones allow teenagers to stay connected with friends and family, even when they are not physically together.

  • Access to Information: Smartphones provide easy access to information, which can be useful for schoolwork and personal research.

  • Increased Safety: Smartphones can provide a sense of safety for teenagers, as they can be used to call for help in an emergency.

  • Development of Technological Skills: Smartphones can help teenagers develop technological skills that will be useful in their future careers.

Guidelines for Teen Smartphone Use

As parents consider whether or not to allow their teens to own smartphones, it is important to establish guidelines for their use. Here are some guidelines that can help:

  • Set Limits: Establish limits on how much time teens can spend on their smartphones each day, and make sure they are not using them during important times, such as during meals or while doing homework.

  • Monitor Activity: Monitor your teen’s smartphone activity, including the apps they are using and the content they are accessing. Be aware of any warning signs that may indicate inappropriate use.

  • Teach Responsible Use: Teach your teen about responsible smartphone use, including the dangers of cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate content, and the importance of using technology for good.

  • Encourage Face-to-Face Interaction: Encourage your teen to spend time with friends and family in person, rather than relying solely on smartphone communication.


Smartphones are an integral part of our society, and they can be a valuable tool for teenagers. However, they also come with certain risks that parents should be aware of. By setting guidelines for their use and monitoring their activity, parents can help ensure that their teenagers are using smartphones responsibly and safely. Ultimately, it is up to each family to decide whether or not to allow their teens to own smartphones, but by considering the risks and benefits, parents can make an informed decision.

As Christians, we are called to use technology in a way that honors God and reflects our faith. We should be wise in our use of technology and use it for good, rather than for harm. As we navigate the world of technology, we can turn to the Bible for guidance and seek to use technology in a way that brings glory to God.

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