Suffering with Faith: Learning from Paul's Example

How to Suffer Without Grumbling

How to Suffer Without Grumbling

Have you ever encountered someone who faces suffering with unwavering faith and without a hint of complaint? It's truly remarkable. In a world where murmuring and discontent often prevail, these individuals shine brightly. They demonstrate a steadfast trust in God, even when their circumstances are painful and seemingly unchangeable. The apostle Paul is a great example of such a person.

Brought to the Brink of Death

Paul experienced a time in his life when his faith was tested to the extreme, bringing him to the brink of despair and death. In his own words:

"We were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead. He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again."

2 Corinthians 1:8-10

Paul's suffering was intense, leaving him feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. Yet, instead of grumbling or questioning God, he recognized that his suffering served a greater purpose. It taught him to rely not on his own strength, but on the power of God who can even raise the dead. Through this experience, Paul's faith grew stronger, and he gained a deeper understanding of God's faithfulness.

Lessons from Paul's Example

Paul's example teaches us valuable lessons on how to suffer without grumbling:

1. Trust in God's Sovereignty

When faced with suffering, it's essential to trust in the sovereignty of God. Recognize that He is in control of all things, including your circumstances. Even when it seems like your suffering is unbearable, remember that God has a purpose for it and He can bring good out of even the most difficult situations.

2. Find Strength in God's Power

Instead of relying on your own strength, turn to God for help. He is the source of unlimited power and can provide the strength you need to endure. Just as Paul learned to rely on God who raises the dead, we too can find strength in His power to sustain us through our suffering.

3. Set Your Hope on God's Deliverance

Place your hope in God's deliverance. Trust that He will rescue you from your suffering, whether in this life or the next. Our hope is not in temporary relief but in the eternal deliverance that God promises to those who trust in Him.

4. Embrace the Growth in Suffering

Suffering has the potential to shape and refine our character. It can deepen our faith, strengthen our reliance on God, and produce endurance and perseverance. Instead of resenting or grumbling about our suffering, we can choose to embrace it as an opportunity for growth and transformation.


Learning to suffer without grumbling is a challenging yet essential aspect of the Christian journey. As we look to the example of Paul, we are reminded of the importance of trusting in God's sovereignty, finding strength in His power, setting our hope on His deliverance, and embracing the growth that comes through suffering. May we learn to face our trials with unwavering faith, knowing that God is with us every step of the way.

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