Submission: A Fresh Perspective for Christian Women in Today's World

Submission: A Different Perspective for Christian Women

As Christian women, we often find ourselves grappling with the concept of submission. It is a subject that is often misunderstood and misinterpreted. However, in order to truly understand submission, we must first identify where our true allegiance lies.

Submission to the World

It is unfortunate that many women today submit themselves to the world's rules and regulations, rather than submitting to God's will. We are bombarded with societal expectations and pressures that often lead us astray from our faith. We willingly conform to the world's standards, compromising our values and beliefs in the process.

In Colossians 3:18, Paul addresses Christian wives and urges them to "submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord." This verse, along with others like Ephesians 5:22–24 and 1 Peter 3:1–6, is often controversial and misunderstood. However, it is crucial to remember that these verses are not promoting blind obedience or subjugation. Rather, they emphasize the importance of mutual respect and love within the marital relationship.

Submission to Christ

While submission to our husbands is important, it is equally important to consider our submission to Christ. In Colossians 2:20–23, Paul addresses the issue of submitting to the "elemental spirits of the world." He questions why we, as believers, continue to submit to human precepts and teachings that hold no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh.

It is crucial to understand that our submission should ultimately be to Christ and His teachings. When we surrender our lives to Him, we are set free from the bondage of worldly expectations and pressures. Our submission to Christ empowers us to live according to His will and purpose.

Submission in the Context of Marriage

Within the context of marriage, submission takes on a different meaning. It is not about blindly following our husbands' every command, but rather about recognizing their God-given role as leaders in the family. Ephesians 5:25–33 provides a beautiful illustration of the sacrificial love that husbands are called to demonstrate towards their wives, just as Christ loved the church.

Submission in marriage is a mutual act of love and respect. It involves open communication, shared decision-making, and a deep understanding of each other's needs and desires. It is not about suppressing our voices or diminishing our worth, but rather about embracing our unique roles as husband and wife.

Finding Balance

As Christian women, we must strive to find a balance between submission to our husbands and submission to Christ. This requires discernment and prayerful consideration of God's Word. We must constantly evaluate our actions and motives to ensure that they align with God's will.

Submission does not mean that we lose our individuality or our voice. Rather, it means that we willingly surrender our desires and ambitions to God, trusting Him to guide us in the right direction. It is an act of faith and obedience, knowing that God's plans for us are far greater than anything we could ever imagine.

References from the Bible

The Bible provides us with numerous examples of women who embody the concept of submission in different ways. Sarah, the wife of Abraham, demonstrated submission when she followed her husband's lead, even in difficult circumstances (1 Peter 3:6). Mary, the mother of Jesus, humbly submitted to God's plan for her life, despite the challenges and uncertainties she faced (Luke 1:38). And Ruth, a widow, displayed submission when she chose to stay with her mother-in-law and embrace a new life (Ruth 1:16).

These examples remind us that submission is not a sign of weakness, but rather a testament to our faith and trust in God. It is an act of surrender and obedience that brings about blessings and fulfillment in our lives.

Submission in the Modern World

In today's rapidly changing world, the concept of submission may be met with resistance or skepticism. However, it is important to remember that God's principles are timeless and relevant to every generation. The world may try to convince us that submission is outdated or oppressive, but as Christian women, we can find freedom and joy in embracing God's plan for our lives.

Submission is not about conforming to societal norms or seeking approval from others. It is about finding our identity and purpose in Christ and living according to His will. In a world that constantly bombards us with conflicting messages and expectations, submission to God's truth provides us with a solid foundation and a sense of peace.


Submission is a concept that may be challenging to grasp, but when understood in its true context, it becomes a source of strength and freedom. As Christian women, let us strive to submit ourselves to Christ above all else. Let us seek His guidance and wisdom in our relationships and daily lives. And let us remember that true submission is not about conforming to the world's standards, but about surrendering our lives to the One who knows us best and loves us unconditionally.

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