Staying Faithful: Honoring Your Wife According to the Bible

Dear Husband,

I am grateful for the opportunity to share some important truths with you today.  I have seen firsthand the devastating effects of adultery. But I believe that by turning to the Bible for guidance and following its teachings, you can honor Christ by staying true to your wife.

She is the Wife of Your Youth

One of the most powerful safeguards against adultery is to find happiness in your wife that lasts a lifetime. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 5:18 to "rejoice in the wife of your youth." This means that no matter how long you have been married, you should always remember and cherish the person your wife was when you first met her.

When you look at your wife, do you still see the girl you fell in love with all those years ago? Do you remember the way she used to laugh, her favorite things to do, and the dreams you shared together? These memories can be a powerful reminder of the love you share and the commitment you have made to each other.

But what if your marriage has experienced some rough patches? What if you and your wife have grown apart over the years? It's never too late to work on your relationship and rediscover the joy you once had together. The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 that love is patient, kind, and never fails. By showing patience and kindness to your wife, you can strengthen your bond and build a lasting foundation for your marriage.

Flee from Temptation

Another important lesson that the Bible teaches us is to flee from temptation. In 1 Corinthians 6:18, we are told to "flee from sexual immorality." This means that we should actively avoid situations that could lead us down a dangerous path.

For example, if you find yourself attracted to a coworker or someone else outside of your marriage, it's important to take steps to limit your interactions with that person. This might mean avoiding situations where you are alone with them, or finding ways to redirect the conversation if it starts to become inappropriate.

It's also important to be honest with yourself about your own vulnerabilities. Are there certain situations or types of people that you find particularly tempting? By recognizing these weaknesses, you can take steps to avoid them and strengthen your resolve to stay faithful to your wife.

Put on the Armor of God

Finally, the Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:11-12 to "put on the full armor of God" in order to stand firm against the devil's schemes. This means that we should be intentional about surrounding ourselves with positive influences and focusing on the things that are true, noble, and good.

One way to do this is by regularly reading the Bible and spending time in prayer. By immersing ourselves in God's truth and seeking His guidance, we can find the strength and wisdom we need to resist temptation and honor our commitments.

Another way to put on the armor of God is by seeking out Christian community and fellowship. This might mean attending church regularly, joining a small group, or finding a mentor who can provide guidance and support.


As you navigate the challenges of marriage and seek to honor Christ in all that you do, remember that you are not alone. The Bible is full of wisdom and guidance for how to live a faithful and fulfilling life, and by following its teachings and seeking out Christian community, you can find the support and strength you need to stay true to your wife.

Remember that your wife is the wife of your youth, and that by finding joy and happiness in your relationship, you can build a lasting foundation for your marriage. Flee from temptation and put on the armor of God, and you will be better equipped to resist the devil's schemes and stay true to your commitments.

May God bless you and your marriage, now and always.

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