Starting Your Day with Truth: Praying Until You Pray

Pray Until You Pray: Starting Your Day with Truth

Do you ever think about how you start your day? What is the first thing that fills your mind as you awake? For many of us, it's anxiety-ridden regret or self-sufficient resolve. But what if we could start our day differently, with prayer according to truth?

In his book The Common Rule, Justin Earley highlights the importance of creating new habits of gospel prayers in the morning. He explains that unless we intentionally set our minds on truth, we will borrow prayers from the world that may not align with God's will.

So, how can we start our day with truth? The answer is simple: we need to turn our focus to God alone. Instead of looking beyond ourselves or within, we must direct our thoughts and prayers towards Him.

Praying According to Truth

Praying according to truth means we need to be intentional about the words we use. It may involve saying the same words repeatedly, but they carry significant meaning. These words remind us of God's character, His promises, and our dependence on Him.

When we pray according to truth, we align our hearts with God's will and acknowledge our need for His guidance and provision. It is a humble recognition that we cannot rely on our own strength and wisdom. As we start our day with truth, we invite God to lead us and shape our thoughts and actions.

The Power of Persistent Prayer

In Luke 18:1, Jesus tells a parable about the importance of persistent prayer. He shares the story of a widow who repeatedly asks a judge for justice. The judge initially refuses, but eventually grants her request because of her persistence.

This parable teaches us that persistence in prayer is not about wearing God down or convincing Him to act. Instead, it is about aligning our hearts with His and deepening our dependence on Him. When we persistently seek God in prayer, we cultivate a relationship with Him and learn to trust His timing and wisdom.

Praying until we pray means we don't give up easily. We continue to bring our requests before God, trusting that He hears us and will answer according to His perfect will. It is an act of faith and surrender.

Examples of Praying Until We Pray in the Bible

The Bible provides numerous examples of individuals who prayed until they reached a breakthrough. One such example is found in Luke 11:5-10, where Jesus tells a parable about a man who persistently knocks on his friend's door to borrow bread. Eventually, the friend gives in not because of their friendship, but because of the man's persistence.

This parable emphasizes the importance of bold and persistent prayer. It encourages us to keep seeking God, knowing that He is a loving Father who desires to give good gifts to His children. When we pray until we pray, we demonstrate our faith and trust in God's provision.

Another example is seen in the life of the Apostle Paul. In 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Paul writes about his thorn in the flesh, a persistent affliction that he pleaded with God to remove. Despite his repeated requests, God's response was not to remove the thorn, but to offer His grace and strength in the midst of it.

Paul's experience teaches us that sometimes God's answer to our prayers may not be what we expect or desire. However, when we pray until we pray, we open ourselves up to receive God's grace and power in ways we never imagined. Our prayers become less focused on changing our circumstances and more focused on aligning our hearts with God's will.

Praying Until We Pray: A Daily Habit

Praying until we pray is not a one-time event but a daily habit. It requires discipline and intentionality to start our day with truth and to persistently seek God in prayer. It is an ongoing process of aligning our hearts with His and surrendering our will to His.

Just as we develop habits in other areas of our lives, such as exercise or reading, we can cultivate the habit of praying until we pray. It starts with setting aside dedicated time each morning to seek God's presence and align our thoughts with His truth. We can use biblical prayers and passages as a guide, allowing the words to shape our own prayers.

As we make praying until we pray a daily habit, we will experience a transformation in our relationship with God. Our faith will grow deeper, our dependence on Him will increase, and our hearts will be aligned with His will. We will start each day with a renewed sense of purpose and direction, knowing that we have sought God's guidance and surrendered our plans to Him.


Starting our day with prayer according to truth is a powerful way to align our hearts with God's will. It requires persistence, faith, and surrender. As we pray until we pray, we deepen our relationship with God, trust in His timing and provision, and experience His grace and strength in our lives.

So, as you wake up each morning, take a moment to pause and turn your thoughts towards God. Pray according to truth, persistently seeking His presence and guidance. Cultivate the daily habit of praying until you pray, and watch as God transforms your life and aligns your heart with His.

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