Sinner, Come Home: Igniting an Urgent Passion for Evangelism in 2023 and

Sinner, Come Home

A Message of Passion and Urgency

As I sat in the audience, my heart was already overflowing with anticipation as John Piper began his closing message at the recent Together for the Gospel conference. I fervently prayed that God would use his words to ignite a burning passion within our hearts, a passion that would shape our lives and ministries for years to come.

John's masterful exposition of Romans 9 left me deeply moved. He skillfully directed our attention to the boundless grace of God and the unwavering assurance of His sovereignty. However, it was his discussion of Paul's agonizing concern for the lost, particularly his fellow Jews, that struck a chord within me. It made me reflect on my own response to the lostness I see around me. Am I driven by the same deep anguish?

But it was the conclusion of John's message that caught me off guard. He took us back in time to a crowded tent, where as a young boy, he witnessed his own father, an evangelist, passionately pleading with sinners to come to Jesus. The words echoed in my mind, "Won't you come?... Won't you come?"

It was as if time stood still, and I found myself transported back to a similar gathering, hearing the heartfelt cries of a preacher beseeching sinners to find refuge in the arms of the Savior. The urgency in his voice, the tears in his eyes, it all came rushing back to me.

This powerful scene reminded me of the timeless truth found in Scripture. In Luke 15, Jesus shares the parable of the prodigal son, illustrating God's relentless pursuit of sinners. Just as the father in the parable eagerly awaited the return of his wayward son, God yearns for every lost soul to come home. It is a plea that resounds through the ages, echoing even here in 2023.

The Urgency of Our Mission

John Piper's message served as a wake-up call, reminding us of the urgency of our mission as believers. We are called to be ambassadors of Christ, carrying the message of salvation to a world in desperate need. The lostness and brokenness we see around us should stir within us a deep longing to see souls saved and brought into the family of God.

Scripture repeatedly emphasizes the urgency of our mission. In Matthew 28:19-20, often referred to as the Great Commission, Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of all nations. This command is not a suggestion but a divine mandate. The eternal destiny of countless souls hangs in the balance, and we have been entrusted with the life-giving message of the gospel.

Furthermore, the apostle Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 5:20 remind us that we are ambassadors for Christ, as if God were making His appeal through us. We have been given the incredible privilege of representing the King of kings and proclaiming His offer of reconciliation to a broken and lost world.

Responding to the Call

So how do we respond to this urgent call to bring sinners home? First and foremost, we must cultivate a heart of compassion. We must allow ourselves to be moved by the lostness we encounter, just as Paul was burdened for his fellow Jews. We should never grow callous or complacent, but instead, let our hearts break for what breaks the heart of God.

Secondly, we must equip ourselves with the truth of God's Word. The more we understand and internalize the gospel message, the more effectively we can communicate it to others. We need to be well-versed in Scripture, ready to provide answers to those who are searching for truth and hope.

Finally, we must actively engage in evangelism. This involves stepping out of our comfort zones, building relationships with unbelievers, and sharing the love of Christ in both word and deed. We can learn from the example of the early church, which boldly proclaimed the gospel even in the face of persecution.


As I reflect on John Piper's powerful message, I am reminded of the urgency of our mission as believers. The lostness of those around us should stir within us a deep longing to see souls saved. We must respond to the call to bring sinners home with compassion, truth, and active engagement.

Let us be like the father in the parable of the prodigal son, eagerly awaiting the return of every lost soul. Let us be like John Piper's father, passionately pleading with sinners to come to Jesus. Let us be like Paul, burdened for the lostness of our own people.

May this message be a catalyst for a renewed passion within our hearts, a passion that propels us to tirelessly seek and save the lost, even in the year 2023 and beyond.

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